Streamlining operations. Refining processes. Reducing waste and inefficiencies. For PMs, these are foundational principles that guide each and every project. However, when organizations step back and apply the same principles to their operations as a whole, they become a function of work management. But what should you look for in an enterprise work management solution and what work management tools are best suited to remote teams? Read on to learn the answers!

What is work management software? 

Before diving into the specifics of work management solutions and software, it’s important to understand exactly what work management is all about. At its core, work management seeks to maximize business success by improving operations at every level of the organization. 

Just as project management involves mapping and analyzing a project’s life cycle to achieve the most optimal outcomes possible, work management looks at the internal systems, processes, and workflows that power an organization in order to improve efficiencies and the boost bottom line.

A work management solution is any system or software that helps achieve these goals. Work management tools are used to map organizational processes, manage resources, store assets, monitor progress, communicate, and collaborate across teams, departments, and office locations. 

Introducing the best workforce management software for remote working

Here's why remote working is the future. It has steadily been on the rise since before the days of social distancing, with 16% of companies saying they exclusively hire remote workers. Of course, with many employees now forced to work from home in the wake of COVID-19, collaborative work management tools are more critical than ever. 

The fact is that there are hundreds of task management and productivity solutions to choose from. But only one combines the top features and capabilities remote teams need with the ability to integrate with popular tools like Slack and Gmail. That solution is Wrike.

Find out more about hiring remote workers in our dedicated guide here.

Why use Wrike for work management?

There are plenty of reasons your organization should use Wrike for work management. Here’s a closer look at just a few of them.

1. Wrike streamlines the request intake process. 

One common organizational problem is the lack of a standardized request process. That’s why a good collaborative work management tool will add structure to your request intake process. 

With Wrike’s dynamic request forms, requests can become more streamlined and tailored by type and department. For instance, a marketer requesting a web page will get different questions from an administrator with an IT support request.

2. Wrike makes it easier to manage time and resources.

Resource allocation and time management are paramount to any organization’s success. That’s why Wrike helps managers visualize workloads so they can accurately forecast commitments and plan work around their team’s availability. You’ll be able to tap into your team’s workload and instantly notify them when schedules change or priorities shift. You’ll also gain insight into who’s at full capacity, and who has the bandwidth for additional tasks. 

3. Wrike makes tracking and measuring progress a snap. 

In today’s environment, trying to monitor initiatives and projects via face-to-face meetings or even email is simply unsustainable. Wrike’s customizable and shareable dashboards mean you’ll receive automatic, real-time notifications when things move forward — or fall behind. With that level of visibility, you can anticipate problems and take action before they happen. What’s more, Wrike’s robust reporting and analytics features will give you greater insight into what’s working and what’s not. 

4. Wrike improves collaboration across teams, companies, and clients. 

Of particular importance to remote teams and operations is an ability to effectively collaborate virtually. With Wrike, conversations are centralized from across email, spreadsheets, and other messy mediums into a single shared workspace. All communication is kept in the context of specific projects, tasks, or files. Roles are clearly defined and work is assigned accordingly. Plus, collaborators are notified of comments in real-time, streamlining handoffs and shortening feedback loops. 

5. Wrike allows teams and individuals to work the way they want.

Finally, Wrike understands that every company and team has its own creative process. That’s why Wrike gives you the ability to create custom project workflows and status updates based on your team’s preferences. And, perhaps most importantly, Wrike functions well on mobile, which means your remote employees can truly untether and work when inspiration strikes. 

Want to find out more about how Wrike can empower your remote teams to do their best work? Read more here.