You deal with several clients, and hence you have several project teams. Or your responsibilities imply co-operation with people from different functional directions.

You start with a couple of tasks to explore how Wrike works. The next day you want to structure all your activities and manage them further with the help of Wrike. Here is an example of how you can organize projects and introduce your associates in Wrike.

Different projects
Let's say you have a marketing department (where Alice and Mary are managers) and a development department (where Bob and Greg are developers). You create two folders: "Marketing" and "Development". You then share the "Marketing" folder with Alice and Mary. From now on, Alice, Mary and you see everything that is going below "Marketing"(tasks, folders, changes). You also share the "Development" folder with Bob and Greg.

In this scenario, Alice and Mary do not see the "Development" folder, just as Bob and Greg do not see the "Marketing" folder.

Different projects, a common activity
Let's say Alice wants Bob to put a new logo on the Website. Alice assigns the task "put a new logo on the Website" to Bob and shares it with Greg. She is able to do that. Alice, Bob and Greg will see the task (each in the folder "My Folders").

If Alice does it under the "Marketing" folder, then you and Mary will also see this task. Nevertheless, Bob and Greg still don't see the "Marketing" folder.


If Alice does it in another folder that is not shared with you, then you will not see it.

Regularly overlapping teams and activities
Different teams may often have overlapping activities. Let's say there is a joint project between Marketing and Development called Web Site. So you create a folder named "Web Site" and include it in "Marketing" and "Development." This way you, Alice, Mary, Bob and Greg can all collaborate on tasks for this folder.

Another possible option for doing the same: Alice creates "Web Site" folder under "Marketing," and she shares "Web Site" with Bob. He includes it under "Development".

The view of the personal workspaces is following: