Your workdays revolve around your task list. You keep it organized, sorted, updated, and schedule your time around it. You relish the simple satisfaction of checking items off, one by one. That's why we’re making a few great updates to Wrike's task list to make it even easier to organize and manage your work.

Now you can quickly edit important task details right from the task list, without needing to open the task. You can:

  • Set the due date (or change the date) by clicking the calendar icon
  • View the task’s subtasks by clicking the subtasks icon
  • Right-click on the task to assign, reassign, or change task status
  • Click on the task's folder tags to go to that folder
  • Expand or collapse the task groups "Today", "Tomorrow", and "Later" to see exactly what you need and focus on high-priority assignments.

Your team can quickly organize their tasks and see essential information in one easy view.  Tell us what you think about the new task list features in the comments!