This past Monday, Gartner analysts Tom Austin and Mike Gotta talked about the new ways people and technology engage one another, demonstrating four new "Cool Tools" -- including Wrike.

In fact, at the end of the session when the audience was asked which of the vendors looked like a keeper, the people responded with your #1 project management tool: Wrike. Thanks, everyone!

The Portals, Content & Collaboration (#GartnerPCC) Summit is an annual gathering hosted by Gartner, Inc. where business leaders gather to share ideas about creating and sustaining customer, employee, and partner engagement for bottom-line growth.

Wrike being presented on the big screen.

Our Takeaways from the Summit

All throughout #GartnerPCC, one of the key themes being discussed was the digital workplace. It's the idea that the traditional workplace is making way for a new way of working -- where organizations are  fueled by insight gleaned from collaborating with the right people and using the right technologies to improve content and engagement with customers.

Some stats we picked up that reinforce many of the ideas we've been discussing here on the blog for years:

  • 60% of jobs in the US are non-routine (i.e., not structured processes), up from 40% in 1975.
  • The number of telecommuters increased 79% from 2005 to 2012, resulting in more geographically dispersed teams than ever.
  • From 2000 to 2012, the importance of team-oriented output grew from 20% to 50%.

The keynote speeches and sessions supported what we've known all along. The modern workplace has evolved from individual silos to collaborative teams; from structured routines to non-structured work; from onsite employees to remote team members; from desktop computers to Bring Your Own Device & Apps. They also talked about the new needs of the modern workforce, not just in terms of apps, technology, and IT support, but also the importance of having leadership that "gets it."