When starting a project, there are plenty of things to do: planning your schedule, plotting dependencies and milestones, finding the right tools, setting up your budget and allocating recourses. But one of the most difficult (and important) tasks is finding the right people to work with. After all, the success of your project doesn't only
Setting aside the joys of working from home and not having to commute, workers collaborating remotely have to deal with a lot of extra pain. The added pressure it places on their shoulders comes from the difficulty of creating immediate, visible value from afar. They struggle to be more "present" to their colleagues via the
Trying to list all the various ways that work has evolved in the last two decades would be impossible so instead, here is part 2 of the 10 rules which should help anyone navigate the constantly shifting waters of work. Think of these as the new work rules — our 21st Century Work Rules.
Ever had a conversation with a colleague where you walk away thinking, "Whoa, that person was a real jerk." Turns out you're not alone. These head honcho, give-me-your-lunch-money-type personalities are not only affecting high school hallways, they're invading our office culture.
Younger workers especially are very familiar with the Google collaboration suite, so this can serve as a comfortable way to begin encouraging teammates to work together through the cloud. Here are four keys for making the most of using Google Drive for collaboration.
Welcome to the Friday Work Management Roundup, where we bring together the week's best reads on productivity and work. This week, we feature articles on how to fight back when you're too busy, unmotivated, and feeling a little, well, stupid. But not in a negative way! On the contrary, some of it will make you
why aren't more people collaborating? One major reason: corporate silos and the silo mentality. This is where groups or departments within an organization refuse to share information with others, which results in turf wars and inefficiency. If you're going to break down silos, you will need a mandate from management. But then you will also need the right culture and the corresponding tools that can help lay your cards on the table.
What does the Wrike CWM platform offer that the others don't? Cross-tagging. Cross-tagging in Wrike is a one-of-a-kind feature that gives you, your teams, and your organization better visibility and end-to-end transparency into every activity, all the way down to the tasks level. This is valuable because, without it, you'd have duplicate tasks, folders —
Collaboration remains a hot topic because it still works. In fact our CEO recently wrote a guest post on Inc.com stating that collective wisdom, crowdsourcing, and project collaboration are essential for the growth of a business or movement today — they should be integral parts of every company's DNA in order to survive and thrive. If