Dmitry Petrashev, Author at Blog Wrike
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Dmitry Petrashev

Dmitry Petrashev

Dmitry is a former Product Manager of Wrike.

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New Reports: Real-Time Insights with One Click
News 5 min read

New Reports: Real-Time Insights with One Click

According to our 2015 Work Management Survey of over 1,400 office workers, the greatest cause of work-related stress is “missing information”; 52% of participants rank this as causing “high” or “very high” stress for them. What's more, almost half (46%) said most or all of their meetings were focused on just status updates. This lack of visibility not only causes stress for workers, but also leads to project failure and delays. On average, it costs companies over $100 million for every $1 billion spent on projects per year. But we believe it can be better! That's why we're so excited to bring you our newest feature: Wrike Reports. Instead of spending hours gathering data and crunching numbers, you can now just click a button to quickly visualize all work statuses and progress in easy-to-digest formats, giving you the visibility and insight you need to run your business. How Beta Clients Are Already Using Reports We've spent most of this year exploring, interviewing, and beta testing with clients just like you to find out what they're struggling with as they manage work. Interestingly, we found most people encounter the same challenges regardless of industry. People spend hours gathering info for status updates while managers still struggle to get the big picture view of where everything stands, what is going well, and what is at risk. "I need a simple report of how busy my team is, so I know where to schedule the next project" was a resounding call. So we set off to build Reports, an easy to use reporting engine that gives you the ability to create custom reports to get to the insights you need. Reports simplify the ability to instantly gather accurate, up-to-the-minute project status information, and then share that info with the people who need to take action. You are able to easily get to the big picture, and also drill down into the details when needed. Gone are the days of relying on infrequent, manually collected updates in order to know where work stands! Some of the most commonly used reports during the beta program were: Weekly Exec Update: Understand the number and status of projects by owner Team Performance: Compare the performance of individuals by key metrics Activity Reports: Understand how the team is using Wrike Accomplishments: Report on the work completed last week, month, or quarter Giving You Back An Entire Workday When reporting from a work management tool instead of manually collected updates, you can slice-and-dice the data to find insights that were previously inaccessible or took hours to reach. Since all your work is already in Wrike, you can start every day with a birds-eye view of what each person on your team is doing, where every project stands, and thus, where you need to jump in to assist. That brings real confidence in your team's performance. We found that by using real-time Reports, a typical marketing team of 10 can save at least 10-15 hours per week on status updates and account management work, effectively giving you back an entire workday. See a problem? Drill down to quickly find the cause. Need to see the status of all your projects at a glance? We've got you covered. Want to report on what the team accomplished last month? It's 3 simple steps to get real time status of your data in beautiful charts and graphs. Stay tuned for new charts and graphs coming soon! Wrike’s real-time reporting is now available to all Wrike Enterprise customers. Whether you're an expert or you've never touched Wrike at all, you can try out Reports for your team now by starting a free trial of Wrike Enterprise. We hope you enjoy working with Reports, and that they provide you even more visibility into work, save time, and help you make smarter and more informed decisions. We are always eager to hear your feedback — please leave your thoughts in the comments!
