Articles & Resources on Work Calendars | Wrike Blog
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Work Calendars

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4 editorial calendar templates to streamline publishing
Marketing 10 min read

4 editorial calendar templates to streamline publishing

We’ve rounded up the four best free editorial calendar templates your team can start using today.

How To Create a Robust Workback Schedule
Project Management 10 min read

How To Create a Robust Workback Schedule

What is a workback schedule? How do you create one? Wrike has you covered.

4 Reasons You Need Interactive Calendars for Hybrid Teams
Project Management 10 min read

4 Reasons You Need Interactive Calendars for Hybrid Teams

Interactive calendars are great for managing personal and team schedules quickly and efficiently. Learn how this digital tool improves hybrid team productivity.

Hot Tips for Content Calendar Creation
Marketing 10 min read

Hot Tips for Content Calendar Creation

Content marketing and project calendars are a match made in heaven. We spoke with two leading content marketers to hear their advice and editorial calendar best practices.

Holidays, Vacations, and PTO? No More Scheduling Headaches
Project Management 3 min read

Holidays, Vacations, and PTO? No More Scheduling Headaches

Managing large teams means more challenges, especially with employees spread out across departments, cities, or even continents. There are a lot of things to keep in mind in order to avoid schedule conflicts. To help you track all the different variables (from national holidays to vacations and sick leaves) and even let you choose the day when your teams’ working week starts, we've introduced a new feature within Wrike’s Enterprise plan – custom calendars. Managing large teams means more challenges, especially with employees spread out across departments, cities, or even continents. There are a lot of things to keep in mind in order to avoid schedule conflicts. To help you track all the different variables (from national holidays to vacations and sick leaves) and even let you choose the day when your teams’ working week starts, we've introduced a new feature within Wrike’s Enterprise plan – custom calendars.     Admins: Adjust Schedules on the Account Level   The new feature allows admins to customize working calendars on the account level. For example, easily mark Thanksgiving, Christmas or all-day corporate events on the account's global calendar so important milestones aren't scheduled on these dates.  Admins: Adjust Schedules of Individuals   Because we want you to set more accurate deadlines and distribute the workload more efficiently, admins can now log four types of calendar exceptions on employees’ individual calendars. They are: extra work days, paid and non-paid vacations, and sick leaves. Each one is set to a different color for easy scanning. For large teams, the search box allows you to find someone’s calendar quickly.   These changes are instantly reflected in the workspace. For example, you won’t be able to schedule a new task for dates when the assignee is on vacation. No matter what view you're in, if you try giving them a deadline on their vacation days, you will end up with a conflict that will need to be rescheduled. Users: Adjust Your Own Schedule   Users can add vacation days, sick leaves and extra work days to their personal calendars to make sure that tasks are assigned properly. These adjustments will reflect in the global calendar of the account, too.  Moreover, users can edit their regular workweek and identify non-working days, something that may benefit part-time workers.      Wrike Enterprise’s custom calendars create an efficient way to track team schedules, distribute the workload and plan milestones. Moreover, the calendars provide a helpful tool for accounting departments that need to generate payroll.      In addition to flexible calendars, Wrike Enterprise delivers many other helpful features. Drop us a note at to see it in action. And don't forget to mark the coming holidays on your team’s schedule!

A Complete Guide To Schedule Management Plans
Project Management 7 min read

A Complete Guide To Schedule Management Plans

Create an effective schedule management plan for better, more accurate project delivery. Get it all done with robust project scheduling software.

How to Handle Schedule Conflicts
Collaboration 10 min read

How to Handle Schedule Conflicts

Schedule conflicts make it difficult to do your best work. Read on to discover how to prevent and handle scheduling conflicts in the workplace.

Avoid the Summer Lull and Keep Your Projects on Track
News 3 min read

Avoid the Summer Lull and Keep Your Projects on Track

Summer vacations and long weekends are a welcome break, but poor planning can put your deadlines in danger unexpectedly. Fortunately, Wrike's Custom Calendars and Workload view help you plan ahead to distribute the workload amongst your team and keep your projects on track. Don't let the summer sun melt your productivity! See Your Team's Vacations in Project Schedules Keeping everyone's vacation schedules in the same place where you manage the rest of your work ensures you won't be blindsided by a colleague's day off. Wrike's Custom Calendars are a powerful Enterprise feature that helps you track people's vacations, sick leaves, and extra working days for more accurate planning. As an added bonus, it'll also simplify your HR department's payroll process. Make a habit of adding your team's vacations to Calendars by asking everyone to update their schedules right after their PTO is approved. On top of individual schedules, you can also add public or company-wide holidays to your Calendar for more accurate project planning. Balancing the Workload Once the team's vacations are logged in your Calendar, the Workload view will notify you when you assign a task to someone who is scheduled to be out of the office. Their days off will be grayed out on the timeline, and the task duration will be spread out over their working days. The Workload view allows you to quickly spot tasks or deadlines that might be affected by an upcoming vacation and redistribute work across your team so they're still done on time. Also keep an eye on areas highlighted in orange, indicating people who have more than two overlapping tasks assigned to them. Too many assignments increases the chance of missed deadlines, so consider rescheduling or reassigning work to ensure it's done on time. We hope that these tips will help you meet your project deadlines and still have time to make the most of sunny days!

New Wrike Calendars: A Unifying, Real-time Window Across Your Business
News 5 min read

New Wrike Calendars: A Unifying, Real-time Window Across Your Business

Whether you're planning marketing campaigns and events or launching new products, Wrike Calendars help you plan, visualize, and share your work.

When to Use a Project Calendar vs. a Gantt Chart
Project Management 10 min read

When to Use a Project Calendar vs. a Gantt Chart

With so many options, how can you identify which project scheduling tool best suits your needs? Here, we’ll break down the differences between a project calendar and a Gantt chart, as well as outline a few scenarios when each one is more suitable.

When Does Your Week Start? Select the First Day.
News 3 min read

When Does Your Week Start? Select the First Day.

Each day, Wrike welcomes new customers from all over the world, and we are working hard to make it a perfect workplace for all of you. Today international users can change the local time for receiving to-do e-mails, adjust the date format and configure the start day of their week according to their country’s local practice. Each day, Wrike welcomes new customers from all over the world, and we are working hard to make it a perfect workplace for all of you. Today international users can change the local time for receiving to-do e-mails, adjust the date format and configure the start day of their week according to their country’s local practice. “Oh, do they differ?” you may ask. Interestingly enough, the calendar week starts on Sundays in North America, on Saturdays in many Arabic countries and Mondays in the rest of the world. So no matter where you are from, now you can see the calendars and timelines in Wrike in the way that’s most common for you. The first week day will apply to: - calendar date-pickers when scheduling tasks, - the view of business days and weekends on your Gantt chart, and - the timeline in the workload view.  To configure your calendar format, change your profile settings: 1. Click on your name in the right-hand corner of Wrike’s workspace. 2. Go to your profile. 3. And configure the week’s starting day to your needs, whether it’s Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Even if your week seems to never end, thus it has no start, cheer up and try out this new tweak in Wrike!

How to Set Up an Editorial Calendar in Wrike
Marketing 5 min read

How to Set Up an Editorial Calendar in Wrike

Wrike is introducing more and more features to help marketing teams manage and track all their work in one centralized place. Our marketing team completely relies on Wrike to collaborate and get work done, so we're doubly passionate about making Wrike the best workspace for Agile marketers. One of the many ways we use Wrike is to track our blog's publishing calendar. For example, this post has been on our editorial calendar since March, and we've been tracking its progress from just an idea all the way through the publishing date today! Now we want to show you how we use Wrike as an editorial and marketing calendar, so you can efficiently manage your company blog, too. 5 Steps to Set Up Your Marketing Editorial Calendar with Wrike 1. Create a folder to hold every post that you'll publish on your blog. Our folder is called "Blog Posts". Every time you create a new task to write a blog post, make sure it's tagged into this folder. 2. Create a Custom Workflow that accurately reflects all the different stages that your blog posts go through on their way to being published. For example, at Wrike our Custom Workflow for our blog calendar looks like this: Sometimes, posts jump back and forth between "In Review" and "Writing", if the author has received feedback on their post for additional edits, and Wrike makes it easy to adjust your task to that back-and-forth workflow.   3. Create a Shared Dashboard to give your team visibility into the publishing schedule. We call our Shared Dashboard "Editorial Calendar". It will look like this when you're done with every step:   4. Now you need to create the two widgets for your Dashboard: a. One for all posts that have yet to be scheduled, e.g. "To Be Scheduled". These will be tasks in your folder without due dates. i. Create the widget by filtering inside your Blog Posts folder for tasks that are BACKLOGGED. ii. Also select all Custom Statuses you care about for this widget. At Wrike, we filter for 'planned', 'writing', 'in review', 'in design', and 'ready to post' because we want a list of everything that is definitely going to be published at some point. We leave out 'idea', since those ideas may never make it to the publishing calendar. iii. Once you've filtered for tasks to show only what you want to see in your widget, add the widget to your Dashboard! b. Now create a widget for your current publishing schedule, e.g. "Publishing Schedule". These will be tasks in your folder that do have due dates. i. Create the widget by filtering inside your Blog Posts folder for tasks that are PLANNED and MILESTONE ii. Also select all custom statuses you care about for this widget. At Wrike, we filter for 'planned', 'writing', 'in review', 'in design', and 'ready to post' because we select publishing dates before posts are fully ready. We choose NOT to show posts that are already 'published', but you can decide to show them if you'd always like to see previously published posts on your Dashboard. iii. Finally, make sure you organize your task list "By Date" to make sure the widget lists your tasks in the correct order, and then add your widget to your Dashboard! 5. Now you're all set up! When you're looking at your Dashboard, you can click the quick scheduling button on your task card to choose publishing dates. If you've set up your filters as described above, your task will automatically move from the "To Be Scheduled" widget over to the "Publishing Schedule" widget once you've selected a date. You can use the same button to quickly rearrange posts in your publishing schedule, in case new posts need to be added into the mix and things need to move around. It gives your marketing team the ability to stay agile. Note: Because our Editorial Calendar system uses task due dates to set publishing dates, we cannot use due dates to note when we'll be done writing, when editing needs to be completed, or anything except the final publishing date. If your team relies heavily on due dates to move work through every stage of your workflow, you will need to modify our process described above to fit your needs. More Tools to Make Your Marketing Team More Agile Learn more about how today's marketers are using Agile techniques in our survey report: How Marketers Get Things Done: The State of Agile Marketing in 2016. Then, start a free trial of Wrike to get your Agile marketing team running at peak performance.

Secrets for Building an Integrated Marketing Campaign Calendar
Marketing 10 min read

Secrets for Building an Integrated Marketing Campaign Calendar

There’s no denying that an integrated campaign is a lot to keep track of. But here’s the good news: an integrated marketing campaign calendar can make your job a whole lot easier. Learn how, here.

3 Capabilities of the Best Team Calendars
Collaboration 10 min read

3 Capabilities of the Best Team Calendars

Flexible work management calendars can connect, align, and drive productivity for your team. Here are 3 team calendar capabilities to look for.

3 Ways To Create Your Project Manager Calendar
Project Management 5 min read

3 Ways To Create Your Project Manager Calendar

Here are three different ways to build a digital project manager calendar to support your project planning efforts. It’s up to you to decide which one is right for your team.

Calendar Tools for Every Project Management Need
Collaboration 7 min read

Calendar Tools for Every Project Management Need

There’s no doubt about it: when you’re managing a project, you'll need to juggle at least a few deadlines. We’re sharing a few of our favorite calendar tools for project management.

How to Keep Employees on Track with a Time Management Calendar
Productivity 7 min read

How to Keep Employees on Track with a Time Management Calendar

Optimizing your calendar is key to productivity. Help your employees build their own time management calendar and prioritize the work that matters most to your business.

Take Control of Your Project Plan Calendar
Project Management 3 min read

Take Control of Your Project Plan Calendar

There are many different ways to set up a project planning calendar template, and it's important for every leader to find an approach that works for their team's needs. Here are a few key considerations to bear in mind as you establish the schedule for managing a project.

Get Organized in 2017 with Free Excel Calendar Templates
Productivity 5 min read

Get Organized in 2017 with Free Excel Calendar Templates

We've gathered this collection of free calendar templates for Excel to help you plan your time wisely, along with tips for effectively scheduling your day, your week, your month... and even your year.