Brianna Hansen, Author at Blog Wrike
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Brianna Hansen

Brianna Hansen

Brianna is a former Content Marketing Manager of Wrike. When she’s not writing about collaboration and team building games, you’ll find her in the kitchen testing out the latest recipes, sharing her favorite wine with friends, or playing with her two cats.

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4 Reasons Why Communication Fails (and What to Do About It)
Collaboration 7 min read

4 Reasons Why Communication Fails (and What to Do About It)

We have some effective communication tips to keep in mind next time you're providing feedback or thinking about scheduling that meeting. You'll learn how to improve communication skills in the workplace and out.

10 Free Brainstorming Apps and Tools to Spark Innovation
Collaboration 5 min read

10 Free Brainstorming Apps and Tools to Spark Innovation

The key to brainstorming isn't just getting as many people as possible in a room so they can collaborate on the greatest ideas ever. It requires a bit more work to get the most out of your brainstorming session. Sometimes, the best brainstorming sessions are accompanied by a simple tool that allows you to record and visualize the progress of ideas. This allows your team to see the flow of ideas and gives more context around next steps.

What Is Resource Management and Why Is It Important?
Productivity 5 min read

What Is Resource Management and Why Is It Important?

Resource management requires a thorough understanding of and transparency into your objectives and capacity. By establishing a good process for resource management planning, you’re maximizing efficiency and overseeing the utilization of those resources.

7 Techniques for More Effective Brainstorming
Collaboration 10 min read

7 Techniques for More Effective Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a useful method to bring together a wide range of viewpoints. Additionally, it's a quick way to generate a large quantity of ideas. Here are 7 easy ways to brainstorm effectively, encourage collaboration, and eliminate judgement.

Top 15 problem-solving activities for your team to master
Collaboration 10 min read

Top 15 problem-solving activities for your team to master

Some people may call it a problem, others call it a solution! Problem solving activities are a great way to get to know how your team works (both individually and together) and learn strategies that will help your team quickly react to any obstacles that stand in the way of achieving your project goals.

The 15 Best Time Management Apps You Should Start Using Yesterday
Productivity 7 min read

The 15 Best Time Management Apps You Should Start Using Yesterday

Let your mobile devices work for you, not against you. From calendars to tomato timers, here are the best time management apps to manage your life.

5 Must-Haves in a Campaign Management Software
Marketing 7 min read

5 Must-Haves in a Campaign Management Software

Understanding your customers helps you understand your brand and messaging. Customers are a direct reflection of what you're doing right, and who your brand is resonating with. Having a campaign management software that can act as a CRM, provide real-time information about your prospects, as well as manage and track your email campaigns can be the driving force in improving those MQL numbers.

Santa's Secrets to Christmas Productivity
Productivity 3 min read

Santa's Secrets to Christmas Productivity

It's been a question for centuries: How does Santa Claus get all the gifts ready and fly around the world to deliver every present on Christmas Eve? While you're sitting around roasting chestnuts on an open fire, Santa and his friendly helpers are busy counting down the days left until Christmas. We have the inside scoop on how he gets it all done in time — straight from ol' Saint Nick himself! A few decades ago, Santa was struggling with accountability and lost information. He had no way to assign work to his elves, and The List was missing some important notes. He almost ALWAYS had to check it twice. Ever since Santa switched to Wrike to manage Christmas, his crew has been able to dole out assignments, manage work leading up to their biggest milestone (Christmas Eve), and accurately track the lists of naughty and nice children. Here are his top 3 Wrike secrets to getting everything done before Christmas: 1. Build a Timeline to Help With Pre-Christmas Planning At the beginning of each year, Santa and his helpers map out their plans for the next 12 months on a Gantt chart. They schedule when The List needs to be finalized, as well as when gifts need to be completed leading up to their big delivery date on Christmas Eve. Santa turns to this feature when he needs a high-level view of the toy-making tasks to make sure nothing is falling through the cracks. Since Christmas Eve is set as a milestone, Santa can move around the order in which work is being done without accidentally pushing production past the Big Day. 2. Create a Folder and Identify Who's Been Naughty or Nice Santa creates The List right in Wrike. He creates a Wrike folder titled "The List" and each individual on The List is has their own task. The Christmas wishes of individuals are included in their task description. Santa also leaves comments on each task to record good behavior he's noticed throughout the year. When people on The List volunteer, help someone need, or maybe make peace with the in-laws, he'll write down their good deeds for future reference. His uses his Custom Statuses "Naughty" and "Nice" to mark The List accordingly — so be good for goodness sake! 3. Assign Workers to Build the Gifts Once The List is finished and Christmas is nigh, Santa begins assigning his helpers to their tasks. He creates a folder called "The Gifts" and makes tasks for presents requested on The List by people marked as "Nice". Each task is tagged with the name of the individual requesting it, and assigned to the elf that will build it for them. So there you have it! Santa's secrets are out and that time of the year is upon us. We hope these tips made you chuckle and delight, and help make your holidays a little more merry and bright. We only gave away a few of Santa's tricks in this post. What other Wrike features do you think he uses to manage Christmas? Share your creative ideas in the comments!

The Creative Project Timeline Template You Need to Kick Off the New Year
Project Management 5 min read

The Creative Project Timeline Template You Need to Kick Off the New Year

Visualize your New Year plans and distribute them across teams using creative project timeline templates in Wrike.

How to Use OKRs in Wrike: A 6-Step Guide + Templates
Wrike Tips 10 min read

How to Use OKRs in Wrike: A 6-Step Guide + Templates

Use this 6-step guide to integrate OKRs with how your team already works in Wrike. Keep OKRs organized, track progress, and keep the process headache-free.

7 Ways to Bring the Holiday Spirit to Your Office
Productivity 3 min read

7 Ways to Bring the Holiday Spirit to Your Office

With the holidays quickly approaching, it's becoming more and more difficult to stay focused in the office. Instead of avoiding the holiday distraction and enforcing maximum productivity across your team, it's important to come to terms with the fact that the holidays are a busy time, and the month of December will probably not be the most productive month. *gasp*

Doing Nothing to Improve Work Management is Costing You Money (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

Doing Nothing to Improve Work Management is Costing You Money (Infographic)

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. We've all heard this saying before, and this couldn't be more true in the workplace. When working gets hard, we have to work harder to rise to the challenge and excel. If managing projects is becoming more and more difficult for your team, following the same-old processes is not going to help you succeed. In fact, studies show it's going to end up costing you more.  Take a look at this infographic that highlights how companies are suffering from poor work management, and see how you can do better: If you like this infographic, share it with your colleagues, or embed it on your website with this code: Infographic brought to you by Wrike Have you had trouble with any of these common pain points? Let us know how Wrike helped in the comments below.  
