Trifermed Eliminates All Email Communication With Wrike
Barcelona, Spain
Professional Services
Departments Using Wrike
Whole company
Main challenges
- Maintain separation and privacy between clients
- Centralize all project management and part of the communication in a single solution
- Customization
Trifermed is a professional services company based in Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. Specializing in the health sector, Trifermed has been providing business development and innovation management services to companies all around the world for the past 18 years using cutting-edge methods.
of internal & external email eliminated
The Challenge
Trifermed was founded in 2002 with the aim of standardizing the process of business development in the health sector. So right from day one, they had to find a platform that would allow them to standardize processes in this way. In its first decade, Trifermed was able to adapt some of the commercially available systems to its working methods and business needs, but everything changed in 2012 when migration to the cloud became an urgent priority for the team.
"We had people working in different countries who were able to access the system in a fairly rudimentary way, but after five years of working on the same platform, we realized that we had got as far as we could with it, and it was now time to migrate to a cloud-based solution with greater scope for customization," says Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO of Trifermed.
The Solution
Wrike becomes the communication center and sole information source for Trifermed
Since 2013, Wrike has been a key tool for the Trifermed team, and is so vital that it forms part of their value proposition. "The company is completely set up on Wrike. Not only for managing customer projects, but also for our own internal management. We have all the financial information on Wrike, too. If you ask me for an invoice from 5 years ago, I can find it in three clicks," Prof. Dr. Trilla asserts.
Wrike enables them to keep up to date with the progress of each project and consolidate all the information that is relevant to Trifermed into a single solution and in its proper context. Most of the company's daily communications are made on the platform, and a record is kept of all external email correspondence. For Trifermed, this makes it easier to incorporate new staff or transfer responsibilities when one member of the team is away on vacation.
"The power of information is not in having it, but in sharing it. Wrike helps us to keep everything recorded and shared, and allows the whole team to access the information according to their user profile," notes Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO of Trifermed.

Maximum transparency with the incorporation of customers and suppliers into Wrike
By inviting its customers as Collaborators, the Trifermed team has created a work space where clients can access and share the required information, and always stay up to date on how their projects are advancing. In this way, Trifermed is completely transparent to its customers, and all communications are situated in their proper context to avoid misunderstandings and achieve a quicker and easier exchange of information.
Trifermed also uses Wrike to communicate and work with its suppliers, using request forms to register the necessary orders or inquiries.
In addition, to help customers and suppliers adapt swiftly to the platform, Trifermed offers training to each collaborator given access to the account, thus ensuring that no communications are recorded outside Wrike and encouraging them to take an active part in ongoing projects and requests.
Privacy and compartmentalization with Wrike Spaces
One of the Wrike functions that has influenced Trifermed's work methods the most are Spaces, which are units for organizing projects and folders in Wrike. The Trifermed team uses Spaces, along with user roles and personalized access, to gather all the projects related to a particular client into one place.
By creating private Spaces for each customer, Trifermed ensures that information is only shared with those who are invited to the Space. Even if there are other external users who can access the account, they won't be able to see the private information inside those Spaces unless they are specifically invited.
"Each Space contains projects that include contact information, communication updates, shared documents, etc. We record it all in Wrike. In this way, the whole Trifermed team is up to date with what's happening in each project, including the customer themselves," explains Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO of Trifermed.

“The company is completely set up on Wrike. Not just customer project management, but also the internal management of the company. If you ask me for an invoice from five years ago, I can find it in three clicks.”
Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO, Trifermed
Wrike enables remote working in Trifermed
Faced with the challenge of having to work from home from one day to the next, the Trifermed team realized that all the good practices they had introduced over the years in relation to how they were working with Wrike had a crucial role to play at that time. In the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, some Trifermad collaborators were working remotely from other countries, or were traveling most of the time, meaning that they often had to work from a plane. The rest of the team were working on site from the office in Sant Cugat, Barcelona.
"With Wrike, we realized that we had a more digital setup than we thought. We didn't have any processes in the company that weren't run through Wrike — nothing physical or local. Without realizing it, we were ready to switch to working from home overnight, without any interruption to our work," boasts Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO of Trifermed.
Resource management with Wrike
The next step for Trifermed in optimizing their work methods is centered on resource management.
"Being able to scale the team requirements based on the demand and the resources we have — that is our next challenge. To manage our resources suitably with Wrike," says Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO of Trifermed.

"With Wrike, we realized that we had a more digital setup than we thought. We didn't have any processes in the company that weren't run through Wrike — nothing physical or local. Without realizing it, we were ready to switch to working from home, from one day to the next, without any interruption to our work."
Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO of Trifermed
After almost eight years managing their projects in Wrike, the Trifermed team has been able to define and optimize all its work processes through the platform, ensuring that all communication is streamlined and centralized, and achieving a level of transparency that benefits not only the team, but also the customers and suppliers. As pioneers in the adoption of new functions, continuously optimizing their work methods, the Trifermed team is ready to meet any challenge that the future may bring.
"We're happy that Wrike is continuing to grow and be successful. After all these years, Wrike is much more than a software provider for us — it's a highly strategic partner," concludes Prof. Dr. Sergi Trilla, Founder, President, and CEO of Trifermed.
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