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7 ways you can use Wrike Sync by Unito with custom item types
Wrike Tips 7 min read

7 ways you can use Wrike Sync by Unito with custom item types

With custom item type support for Wrike Sync by Unito, you can pair your tools in more ways — streamlining every aspect of your team’s work.

How to Collaborate With Revenue Teams Without Jumping Into Their CRM
Productivity 7 min read

How to Collaborate With Revenue Teams Without Jumping Into Their CRM

Struggling to collaborate with revenue teams without jumping into their CRM? We have the guide you need, with three simple ways to work together seamlessly.

4 Reasons You Need Interactive Calendars for Hybrid Teams
Project Management 10 min read

4 Reasons You Need Interactive Calendars for Hybrid Teams

Interactive calendars are great for managing personal and team schedules quickly and efficiently. Learn how this digital tool improves hybrid team productivity.

Leveraging Marketing Integrations for Enhanced Efficiency
Marketing 5 min read

Leveraging Marketing Integrations for Enhanced Efficiency

Workato’s Colleen Schaal explains the power of integration and automation for marketing teams — and how Wrike Integrate Lite can help.

Mastering Efficiency in an Era of Economic Uncertainty: Insights from Wrike’s Efficiency Report
Productivity 7 min read

Mastering Efficiency in an Era of Economic Uncertainty: Insights from Wrike’s Efficiency Report

Wrike’s 2023 Efficiency Report offers valuable insights into how business leaders strategize for efficiency and tackle the persistent presence of the Dark Matter of Work.

4 Ways You Can Work Seamlessly Between Spreadsheets and Project Management Tools
Productivity 7 min read

4 Ways You Can Work Seamlessly Between Spreadsheets and Project Management Tools

Project management apps, customer relationship management platforms, dynamic databases … it seems like there’s no shortage of tools for every kind of task. And yet spreadsheets are still everywhere. Should you be trying to replace them at every turn? Or should you just learn to embrace them after all? Neither, really. Instead, you should be bringing spreadsheets and your other tools together. That way, you avoid endless copying and pasting of data and other manual work. Here are four ways you can consolidate your work and make the most out of using spreadsheets with your other tools. Try Wrike for free Recognize when they’re the best tool for the job Despite how truly massive the SaaS market has become in recent years, some still prefer spreadsheets for some jobs. Here are just a few examples of tasks where a spreadsheet is the favored option: Budgeting: Between its robust formulas and its databasing features, the spreadsheet is still a great way to track your budget for specific projects, teams, or even the whole business. Working with data from multiple sources: Because most of the tools you use can export data as a CSV file, spreadsheets are perfect for working with all this data without constantly paying for new software integrations. SEO management: Search engine optimization (SEO) tools are best-in-class when it comes to tracking how well your content is ranking in search results, but the data in these tools isn’t always very shareable. A spreadsheet is perfect for sharing that data — and analyzing it, too. These are just a few tasks that spreadsheets are useful for. But just because they’re useful doesn’t mean they have to replace any of your other tools. You can easily find ways to integrate spreadsheets into your workflow, even if the majority of your work happens in a project management tool like Wrike. Just make sure to plan where they’ll fit in your process, and take steps to make that inclusion as seamless as possible — whether that’s by outlining best practices in your workflow process or using an integration. Learn to rely on the spreadsheet experts Every team has that one spreadsheet master that can do just about anything with a few minutes, a couple of rows, and some data. Whether it’s building a detailed report, creating a dashboard, or finding ways to solve specific problems for your team — like taking attendance in big meetings — a spreadsheet expert can really make these tools sing. Even if you have the best-in-class tools for project management, scheduling, managing databases, or any other function, spreadsheets are still a great tool to have. Without acquiring any new software, you can get your local spreadsheet master to quickly spin up a solution for a particular use case and use that until you get the budget for whatever new platform you need. Spreadsheets can help patch the holes in an otherwise stellar tool stack. But just because your local spreadsheet expert can turn a spreadsheet into just about anything doesn’t mean they should. Project managers and team leads can set clear boundaries defining when certain tools should be used over others — and turn your spreadsheet experts loose when needed. Try Wrike for free Embrace the teams that love them For some teams, it really doesn’t matter what else is out there; spreadsheets are the way they’ve worked for years and nothing can come close. It might be because they’re some of the most accessible tools — every business with a Microsoft Office or Google Workspace plan has a spreadsheet tool — or just because they’re part of the training people get for specific roles. Think of accountants, data analysts, and human resources specialists. When you spend a lot of time in spreadsheets, it’s easy to see them as the solution for every problem. You could try convincing these teams to get their work out of their spreadsheets. But is that really the best use of anyone’s time? It might be best to just accept that some teams will use spreadsheets for everything. Because guess what? There’s a way you can work with them seamlessly, even if you use Wrike for the majority of your work. Pair their strengths with your favorite tools With the right platform, you don’t even have to worry about teams who work exclusively out of spreadsheets. You can collaborate with them seamlessly without ever leaving your tool of choice — or even noticing that they’re working out of a spreadsheet. How? With Wrike Sync by Unito. Work from Wrike all while benefiting from the spreadsheets other teams are building. Wrike Sync is a no-code integration add-on that pushes data from spreadsheets to Wrike — and back — all while keeping everything in sync in both tools. So what can you do with it? Pull data from a spreadsheet for your Wrike reports: Wrike has some powerful reporting features, but if you need to use data from other platforms, manually exporting everything can take a ton of time. With Wrike Sync, you can make sure all that data is in Wrike and automatically kept up to date. Get Wrike data into your databases: When a team is using a spreadsheet for an important database, you’re almost expected to make sure your data gets into their tool. With Wrike Sync, you can skip the manual work and make sure your data is where it needs to be. Connect Wrike with any tool your teams use: Wrike Sync isn’t just for spreadsheets. No matter which team you need to work with, you can connect Wrike with their tools and make sure everyone stays in the loop. Sync Wrike tasks with Zendesk tickets, HubSpot tasks, Jira issues, Miro cards, and a lot more. Spreadsheets don’t always have to be replaced. Whether you’re dealing with a team that won’t give them up or a task where they’re actually the best option, you can keep spreadsheets in your workflows. And as long as you’re using a platform like Wrike Sync, you can do all your work from your best-in-class project management app without having to plug the gaps between tools with hours of manual work.

Find Wrike in More Places and Reduce Work Complexity Fast
News 5 min read

Find Wrike in More Places and Reduce Work Complexity Fast

Wrike announces agreements with HubSpot, AWS Marketplace, and Miro, designed to consolidate apps and improve productivity.

3 Reasons Why You Should Integrate Miro With Wrike (And How)
News 5 min read

3 Reasons Why You Should Integrate Miro With Wrike (And How)

Wrike is one of the best work hubs out there. It has features all teams love, a smooth learning curve, and is a powerhouse in managing projects. But even the star players need a little backup, and that’s where tools like Miro come in.  While Miro’s a great place to conduct brainstorming sessions, your roadmap planning, and your retrospectives, going from planning to execution isn’t always as easy. And it almost always involves a ton of copying and pasting. But it shouldn’t be that way. By integrating your Miro boards with Wrike, you can go from planning to execution faster with less work. Here’s why that matters — and how you can do it. Reason #1: You should always be using the best tool for the job Miro is not a project management tool, and trying to run a project in Miro is like trying to put furniture together using a turkey baster. Sure, it’s the perfect tool for a very specific job, but it doesn’t make sense anywhere else. Your team is using Wrike for a reason — because it’s a best-in-class project management solution. But in the same way that Miro isn’t built to manage projects, Wrike doesn’t have all the brainstorming features that Miro does. It’s best to use each respective app for its intended purpose. With the right integration solution, you can make sure that’s the case for every team. So, instead of trying to make your tools do everything, help them stay in their lane. Everyone will be happier for it. Reason #2: No one should have to copy-paste a brainstorm You’ve just finished the brainstorm session. Everything makes sense, you’ve got some great ideas, and you’re excited about what comes next. But have you ever gone back to look at a brainstorming board after the session’s over? It’s a mess with post-its everywhere, half-scrawled notes you meant to clean up, and sections that don’t even make sense anymore. And it’s going to be someone’s job to make sense of all this, so they can copy and paste it into Wrike — where the work is actually going to get done. Wouldn’t you rather get the project started than spend time copying and pasting data over? You could try and make brainstorming sessions follow a more rigid structure, but then you’d probably lose out on some of the best ideas. So what do you do? You integrate Miro with Wrike. That way, the ideas you select for future work automatically get synced to your Wrike projects. From there, you can flesh them out, build out your task hierarchy, scope out your projects, and get things done. No more copying and pasting necessary. Reason #3: Saving on licenses How tight is your app budget right now? Are you already being asked to find places to cut spending?  Whether it’s your teams that are both in Wrike and Miro or you’re working with consultants, you might be overpaying for your licenses. After all, not everyone who needs Wrike to execute work needs a Miro license, especially if all they do is check in on a brainstorm from time to time. Same thing with contractors who help you brainstorm. Do they need a Wrike license? Do you even want to give them access to your Wrike projects? When you have an integration solution, you can make sure that every contributor only has access to the tools they absolutely need without missing the context they need to do their work. That means everyone can do their best work from their favorite tool. So, you need an integration. Where do you look? How to use Wrike Sync by Unito to integrate You don’t need to get a new tool to sync Miro cards with Wrike tasks. The Wrike Sync add-on by Unito can sync Wrike tasks with Miro seamlessly. You get access to this add-on as long as you have a Wrike Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, or Enterprise Pinnacle plan. Wrike Sync by Unito is a no-code workflow management solution that lets you connect tools like Wrike, Miro, Jira, BitBucket, Salesforce, and more with your Wrike projects. As long as you’re an account owner, enabling Wrike Sync is easy: Visit the Subscription panel of your Wrike settings and enable the Wrike Syncs trial. Click Create flow to start linking your Wrike projects with Miro and get more out of both tools. Here’s more information on doing that. Miro Miro on the wall Your brainstorm sessions shouldn’t require a bunch of extra manual work or copying and pasting post-it notes into Wrike. By connecting Wrike to your Miro boards using Wrike Sync, you can accomplish more faster, by moving from the brainstorming stage to your project automatically, without switching tools. To get started, request a free trial of Wrike Sync and follow the two-step instructions above. You’ll be glad you did.

Why DAM Is The Next Best Addition to Your Wrike Workflow
Wrike Tips 5 min read

Why DAM Is The Next Best Addition to Your Wrike Workflow

Today’s consumers are demanding more than ever. Personalization, interactive content, and complex media types (think video and VR) are all top of mind from those who expect top-notch experiences from the companies they do business with. But what does this mean for your marketing and creative teams? There is now immense pressure to pump out high-quality, visual content at significantly faster rates.  When environmental factors and looming KPIs require your team to build strong campaigns at a faster rate, it becomes critical to lean into processes and technology that facilitate strong workflows. Even more critical: ensuring the digital assets (photos, animations, videos, etc.) that your teams need to create are always readily available within those workflows. So, how can your teams collaborate more effectively? By integrating your Wrike account with MediaValet’s cloud-based digital asset management (DAM) solution.  What is MediaValet? MediaValet is a digital asset management solution (DAM) that helps companies manage, organize, share, and distribute their digital assets from within one central library. It improves the productivity of marketing teams and increases the ROI of content and creative programs.From within the library, users can perform a variety of functions, including re-sizing & re-formatting their media, tracking usage history, and sharing large files easily with external parties. It provides organizations with increased media security, such as user permissions, compliance regulations, recovery, and geo-replication. Key features of a DAM include: Storing and managing brand and marketing material (photos, videos, etc.) Quickly finding and retrieving digital assets, using advanced searches Enriching assets with custom metadata, such as keywords Version control and history tracking for all media assets Manipulating assets into other forms, such as file type or size Access permissions for internal and external users How does the MediaValet and Wrike integration work? With the MediaValet and Wrike integration, teams can deliver campaigns faster, eliminating time-consuming admin tasks while protecting their brand’s identity. The two-way integration between the platforms allows users to seamlessly push and pull assets between Wrike and MediaValet and ensure everyone is using the most up-to-date assets with automatic version updates. The top three benefits of integrating Wrike and MediaValet include: Finding what you need, faster, Always working with the most up-to-date content, and Maintaining content security Let’s explore each benefit of using Wrike and MediaValet in more detail below. 1. Find the assets you need, faster The integration allows users to automatically push and pull Wrike project attachments directly into the DAM library without ever leaving the Wrike interface. Users can browse folder categories or use MediaValet’s additional search capabilities to instantly find the assets they need. In addition to finding content by filename, users can search for files by added keywords and AI-generated auto-tags (identifying people, objects, text, spoken work and subjects). When uploading final files back to MediaValet, users can add keywords, categories, and other searchable fields to enhance asset discoverability. Plus, all images and PDFs are automatically tagged using artificial intelligence (AI), eliminating manual entry. This minimizes redundant admin creative requests, giving time back to the creative team to work on their most important tasks and projects. 2. Always work with up-to-date content Integrating Wrike with MediaValet means never again accidentally using an old draft or outdated asset. Ensure brand consistency across campaigns and channels with automatic bi-directional versioning. This means users can publish new materials from either platform with the confidence that their team is only using the most up-to-date asset.  Bi-directional version control ensures that Wrike and all Wrike users are always using and accessing the latest approved version of each asset. When the new version of an asset is published in a Wrike task, it will replace the existing version of the asset in MediaValet; and vice versa, when a new version of an asset is uploaded into MediaValet, it's automatically pushed to all associated tasks in Wrike. This allows for seamless and collaborative workflow across all users and Wrike tasks. 3. Keep your content secure at all times By integrating your Wrike instance with your MediaValet library, you gain enhanced permission structures, which means you can control exactly what each person can use within the DAM. This ensures team members only have access to what is relevant to their workflows, and your asset library remains secure.  Enhanced user permissions also help to improve collaboration with geo-distributed teams. This keeps project details centralized and accessible by attaching assets to specific Wrike tasks. Users can upload final assets to MediaValet for use across projects and campaigns—from anywhere. Additionally, direct uploads from within Wrike allow users to publish final creative assets directly to MediaValet from Wrike, without needing to first download them to their own desktop and then upload them to MediaValet. Final approvers can rename assets and even update the assets’ metadata from within Wrike.   Seamlessly streamline your workflow and maximize project execution with MediaValet’s Wrike integration. Get in touch to learn more and book a demo with your Customer Success Manager today!

Don’t Wait: Integrate Wrike Into Your Google Calendar
Wrike Tips 3 min read

Don’t Wait: Integrate Wrike Into Your Google Calendar

So, you do everything out of Wrike. It’s your work hub, your task management system of choice, and a robust tool for reporting to team leads and managers. Why not optimize the tools you have by integrating Wrike into your Google suite of services. You can start with one of the most important tools for organizing your day: Google Calendar.   By integrating Wrike into your Google Calendar, you’ll increase work output by limiting the need to constantly switch between tools you use every day. Here’s why this should matter to you — and how you can do it.  Context switching is a productivity killer Context switching is what happens when you quickly go from one task — or tool — to another. You may not realize how often it’s done or the impact it can have on your productivity.  However, it means you’re taking longer to do routine tasks, let alone any kind of deep work. Some people forget to check Wrike No matter what industry you’re in, there’s at least one person you’re collaborating with regularly who spends a lot more time in Google Calendar and other apps than they do in Wrike.  It’s important to be aware of your organization’s biggest milestones, project task due dates, and incoming tasks. Because most people are checking their Google Calendar at least once a day, you can easily turn your most important work into events in your calendar so that everyone in the company can follow along. Manage events like tasks Do you religiously manage your tasks in Wrike every day? When you integrate Google Calendar into Wrike, you can optimize the ability to stay on top of your projects. You can do all your planning for the day without leaving Wrike by turning your meetings into Wrike tasks. Additional functionality includes asking questions about meetings, requesting changes, and more, all from Wrike. By connecting Wrike into Google Calendar using Project Syncs, you can accomplish more in Wrike, collaborate more efficiently with people across the organization, and never have to switch tools again. Integrating Google Calendar with Wrike using Project Syncs is quick and easy The Project Syncs add-on for Wrike is a no-code workflow management solution that lets you connect with Google Calendar.  It empowers the user to sync Wrike tasks seamlessly with your calendar. If you’re using a Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, or Enterprise Pinnacle plan, you can get access to this add-on! As long as you’re an account owner, enabling Project Syncs is as simple as going to the Subscription panel of your Wrike settings and enabling the Project Syncs trial. From there, you just need to click Create flow to start linking your Wrike projects with Google Calendar and get more out of both tools. Here’s more information on doing that. If you have any questions, or having issues connecting with your calendar, feel free to reach out to us. 

Meet Wrike Zapp: Your Soon-To-Be Best Friend in Zoom Meetings
News 3 min read

Meet Wrike Zapp: Your Soon-To-Be Best Friend in Zoom Meetings

Wrike is elated to announce that we've joined forces with Zoom, a leader in modern enterprise video communications, to develop Wrike Zapp. Read more about this new extension and how it can help you coordinate on Wrike tasks in real time during your Zoom meetings.

Announcing Reports on Wrike Mobile
News 3 min read

Announcing Reports on Wrike Mobile

Now, Wrike users can access Reports on iOS and Android tablets and phones, anytime, anywhere.

The 8 Best Wrike Apps and Integrations for Cross-Functional Collaboration
Wrike Tips 7 min read

The 8 Best Wrike Apps and Integrations for Cross-Functional Collaboration

Wrike’s integrations enable teams to collaborate effectively, wherever they are. Here are eight of the best Wrike apps for cross-functional collaboration.

Turn Talk Into Tasks With Zoom and Wrike
News 3 min read

Turn Talk Into Tasks With Zoom and Wrike

With teams and organizations around the world working remotely over the past year, Zoom has been one of the top tools we’ve all relied on to stay connected and keep projects moving forward. While “Zooming” has become part of everyday life, so has Zoom fatigue — which can lead to unproductive and inefficient meetings. And if you’re going from one meeting to another, day after day, keeping track of everything that needs to be done can become a full-time job. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Zoom to power up meeting productivity with the new Actionable Meetings. Collaborate without sharing screens When video conferencing, most of the work starts when someone asks, “Can you see my screen?” We wanted to make it easier for meeting participants to collaborate — without the need to share screens or switch back and forth between applications. By adding the Wrike extension to your Zoom app, you can enable Actionable Meetings and allow teams to collaborate on existing Wrike projects as well as the associated documents right there in the Zoom window. Seeing tasks, files, assignees, and due dates while you talk ensures everyone is up to date and on the same page. Plus, having everything in one place without shifting between tabs or applications reduces the possibility of confusion as well as eliminates any “I couldn’t find the latest file” excuses.  Turn conversations into structured work Move projects forward faster by getting things done during your Zoom meetings instead of creating a list of action items to follow up on afterward. Set up and assign tasks, update progress, and add files to tasks while everyone involved is in the Zoom room. Not only will this prevent items from falling between the cracks, it will also increase efficiency and give your teams their time back. You can even set up reminders and follow-ups while you’re still in the meeting, which also helps ensure nothing gets lost in the shuffle. This is especially helpful when your team’s calendar consists of back-to-back Zoom meetings. Close the gap between “to do” and “done” by turning what you’re talking about into structured work immediately.  Make the most of every meeting With remote work being touted as the “Now Normal,” online meetings are here to stay.  Zoom is the best way to keep everyone connected, wherever they are — and now your Zoom meetings can be a platform for getting more work done, too. Ross Mayfield, Integrations Product Lead at Zoom, says, “Video communications and collaborative work go hand in hand for creating productive and meaningful interactions online. Meetings are critical for teams to stay connected, and the Wrike app helps prioritize productivity while enhancing the remote meeting experience.” Help your teams work smarter by giving your meetings a collaborative boost. Add the Wrike extension from the Zoom Marketplace or download Wrike Actionable Meetings to make it easy for meeting participants to work together on Wrike projects in real-time. Improve efficiency, collaboration, and convenience. Spend more time on the work that matters, and less time talking about it. Give your meetings a collaborative boost. Get the app.

Actionable Meetings by Wrike Improves Real-time Collaboration
News 5 min read

Actionable Meetings by Wrike Improves Real-time Collaboration

Raise your hand if you’d feel disconnected from your team if it weren’t for modern video communications platforms, like Zoom. During remote and hybrid work, without such technology, collaborating with your team would feel — dare we say — less human. Virtual backgrounds and emoji are fun and interactive during video meetings, but at the heart of it all, the beauty and power of Zoom is that it keeps us all connected and collaborating. Zoom is a natural fit for Wrike so it makes sense to align forces and add them to our growing list of integrations. It also doesn’t hurt to have one less tool to toggle between. Zoom meeting participants can now coordinate on Wrike tasks in real-time during meetings without having to screen share or switch applications, an issue that has left many workers feeling frustrated.  Context shifting, or toggling between applications to complete work, takes up a lot of time during the workday. In fact, a recent survey by Citrix and Pulse found that 59% of business leaders believe their employees require more than 10 applications or tools daily to effectively accomplish their work. Additionally, wasted time switching between applications was the number one reason (56%) business leaders and their employees experience frustration with apps. Enter Actionable Meetings by Wrike Wrike joined forces with the leader in modern enterprise video communications - Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - to develop Actionable Meetings by Wrike. The extension lets teams add Wrike’s work management features to any Zoom meeting, making it easy to collaborate in real time on existing Wrike tasks without having to toggle between applications. With most organizations battling issues around employee engagement, productivity, and visibility, the Wrike and Zoom integration offers a seamless collaboration experience while ensuring meeting outcomes are captured against each task in a project. Through the use of Actionable Meetings by Wrike, employees can now stay on top of work and focus their efforts to drive successful projects that impact business goals.  With Actionable Meetings by Wrike, users can accomplish the following directly from Zoom Meetings and the Zoom desktop client:  Capture action items and notable takeaways from each meeting so next steps can be implemented immediately. Assign task owners to action items so that roles and responsibilities are clear. Set due dates to keep action items on track for completion. Attach files that are relevant to the task at hand, such as visuals and documents, so version-control issues are avoided and everyone is working with the most up-to-date resources. Add comments to track conversations around work. Search tasks to find what you’re looking for on the spot. Send follow-up action items to all meeting attendees to maintain momentum in between meetings. This integration is not about adding another prominent name to our integration stack; it’s about driving convenience, enhancing collaboration, and making your work more efficient. Andrew Filev, Senior Vice President and Wrike General Manager, Citrix, says it best: “The solution isn’t to introduce new technologies but to optimize existing ones — the ones employees love to use — and that’s just what we’re doing with the integration with Zoom. Actionable Meetings by Wrike combines two very powerful technologies to make live collaboration even more effective, and the outcomes and actions more clear. Efficiency and productivity improve, driving more successful outcomes for the business.” Wrike + Zoom: More collaborative meetings for your team Make your Zoom meetings more productive by visiting the Zoom Apps marketplace and installing Actionable Meetings by Wrike. Both you and your team will be glad you did.

Fast, Easy, and Secure Logins for Enterprise Users: SAML + Okta integration!
News 3 min read

Fast, Easy, and Secure Logins for Enterprise Users: SAML + Okta integration!

Wrike continues to build on its Enterprise functionality, keeping the product secure and scalable for large organizations. Many of you asked us about SAML-based Single Sign-On and Okta integration, and now we're rolling it out to create a fast, easy, and secure user login experience. Simplified Logins with SAML As a leading industry standard, SAML lets Enterprise users log in to Wrike (or any other cloud app) using their existing corporate credentials. New users will save time creating and activating their accounts, and have fewer passwords to remember. (Hooray for fewer post-it note reminders and "Please reset your password" emails!) With SAML, setting up an Enterprise account is a breeze no matter how big your team is, since it cuts the time you’d normally spend creating huge groups of new users. In addition, SAML further improves the security of your login credentials, since IT administrators can manage all employee info in a central corporate directory that can’t be accessed by any of the cloud services the company uses. Single Sign-On with Okta Integration In addition to rolling out this long-awaited Enterprise standard, Wrike also integrates with a popular SSO provider Okta. If your company uses Active Directory or LDAP to authenticate corporate users, add Okta integration to the mix, and benefit from Single Sign-On to Wrike and across all other web applications. Okta is an identity management service that integrates with corporate directories, as well as on-site, cloud-based and mobile apps. With Okta, you only have to enter your login information once and you’re signed on to all your work applications and tools, including Wrike.   If you don't have a corporate system, you can still benefit from the new smart Single Sign-On with the help of Okta. Just enter your credentials once to gain access to all your favorite cloud services without being prompted to log in at each of them. Ask our Support team to turn on the SAML Single Sign-On for your team, or add Wrike to your account in Okta.

More Tools for Marketers to Love: Introducing Side-by-Side Comparison & Wrike Publish for Bynder
News 5 min read

More Tools for Marketers to Love: Introducing Side-by-Side Comparison & Wrike Publish for Bynder

We’re excited to announce two updates to our Wrike for Marketers’ platform that further support marketers and creatives to deliver amazing branded campaigns: Side-by-Side Comparison in Wrike Proof and Wrike Publish for Bynder.

Adding Custom Elements to Wrike: Easy with Google Extensions
News 5 min read

Adding Custom Elements to Wrike: Easy with Google Extensions

Many of our customers use Wrike’s API to build their own integrations to optimize their team’s unique workflow. Now there’s an alternate method for customization: Google extensions. This tool enables you to quickly add any functionality to the Google Chrome browser. Today we want to share a great example of this type of customization created by one of our customers, Imbibe.Many of our customers use Wrike’s API to build their own integrations to optimize their team’s unique workflow. Now there’s an alternate method for customization: Google extensions. This tool enables you to quickly add any functionality to the Google Chrome browser. Today we want to share a great example of this type of customization created by one of our customers, Imbibe. Imbibe challenge Each time they start a new project, they need to log a number of specific parameters about the customer’s business. They previously did this by manually typing data into the task description or by attaching a Microsoft Word template to the task. This standard operation wasn’t efficient, and the team was looking for a solution to optimize it. How custom task templates work With the help of Google extensions, the Imbibe team has solved this problem and saved hours on entering project info. The extension enables users to add any custom elements to Wrike, so the team used this opportunity to attach the template project forms to tasks for their salespersons. Now each time someone on the team opens a task in the Google Chrome browser, they see the “Select templates” button right under the task details. Depending on the stage of work, the person can choose one of the four active templates: “New project”, “Call report”, “New product requirements”, or “Product commercialization”. For example, let’s say a salesperson is creating a new project with a new customer. In this case, he or she chooses the “New Project Brief” form and quickly enters the key parameters of the new project into the corresponding fields, such as beverage flavor (natural, natural and artificial, artificial), sweetener system (natural or artificial), color, etc. This saves the sales department hours per week on processing important data!   Creating a Google extension Do you use Google Chrome and want to create the same thing in your workspace, too? Then, this adorable example with kittens and puppies provided by Google will give you a clearer idea of how this extension works. If you are familiar with computer technologies (HTML, CSS, or JavaScript), you can easily create html and manifest files for the extension by yourself. Or, you can follow the Imbibe team example. “We’ve found a freelancer at Elance, and he did everything very fast. We only needed to prepare the templates for him,” shares Laura Klibanow, Opportunity manager at Imbibe. After the extension files are ready, each team member needs to upload them to their browser. You can do this by going to the menu in the upper-right corner of your browser, choose Settings, and then select the “Extensions” section. Don’t forget to tick the box for developer mode. Then, simply click on the “Load unpacked extension” button, choose the corresponding directory, and hit “OK”. After you restart your browser, you can enjoy the new functionality!   “Wrike provides a great solution for Imbibe’s project management and an alternative solution to a traditional CRM software. One of the reasons I think Wrike has been such an effective tool for our company is that we developed an internal procedure for how all Wrike tasks must be formatted. I would recommend other users to do the same; the detailed instruction for how tasks must be utilized keeps the system very organized and makes it much easier to navigate- especially if you have lots of customers and projects. For example, we created a comprehensive internal manual on exactly how to write different types of tasks in Wrike- from what the title needs to be, exactly what information must be included, etc. It keeps the data organized and provides a much more for efficient workflow.” Laura Klibanow, Opportunity Manager at Imbibe

How Wrike + Salesforce Helps Departments Work Together: Q&A With Axiometrics
Project Management 7 min read

How Wrike + Salesforce Helps Departments Work Together: Q&A With Axiometrics

Ever wonder how different departments within a company can work together smoothly, like a well-oiled machine? A management tool like Wrike can team up with a customer-focused platform like Salesforce to help departments work better together. This coupling means every detail about projects is stored in one easy-to-access place, avoiding confusion. It helps teams plan their work efficiently, ensuring everyone knows what they're doing and when. Most importantly, it improves how the company serves its customers and smoothes out team collaboration, strengthening working relationships. Axiometrics is the leader in apartment and student housing market research, providing market intelligence and trends analysis to developers, investors, owners, managers, and others. Founded in 1995, the company has experienced explosive growth in revenue, job creation, and innovation over the past five years.  We spoke to the Analytics team about how they use Wrike to align teams that use Salesforce to manage accounts. See how they are able to archive all their data in one place and prevent requests from falling through the cracks:  1. Tell us about your team. The Axiometrics Analytics team is comprised of seven real estate economists and analysts, who crunch apartment and student housing market data, economic indicators, and demographics to uncover trends in the marketplace and forecast future trends. Analytics works closely with Axiometrics’ Sales and Account Management teams to provide custom analysis and studies for clients, and with the Marketing team to produce blogs, newsletters, and videos, including our weekly bylined blog on Forbes. 2. What were the goals that led you to connect Wrike with Salesforce? Sales and Account Management used Salesforce for project management, while Analytics and Marketing used another project management solution that did not integrate well with Salesforce. Therefore, we had no efficient, digital way to track the status of requests. We wanted to find a web-based tool that would integrate with Salesforce so all parties involved could view the status and progress on Sales and Account Management-related projects, such as Feasibility Studies, quarterly company-specific trends analysis, and simple client requests for data drill-down. We also wanted to find a solution that would allow for messaging within the software, for more efficient tracking of what has been requested and any questions/answers concerning a particular project.  3. How has Wrike + Salesforce helped your team reach its goals?  Now, all requests are in one place for easier reference. Since Sales and Account Management can see Wrike updates in Salesforce, Analytics is able to plan its schedule better, and communication is more efficient. Sales is able to create tasks, which are immediately visible to Analytics, and Analytics is able to assign and schedule the tasks so that deadlines are met.  And though it is not a part of the Salesforce integration, Wrike has been vital in reaching a goal set by our Marketing Content Manager to streamline the production schedule of our newsletters. 4. What improvements have you seen since implementing Wrike + Salesforce? There is much better follow-through on all projects. There is less frustration, in that everything is on the calendar. There were times in the past when an email or in-person request fell through the cracks because people didn’t put it on their to-do lists; that doesn’t happen anymore. The Wrike-Salesforce integration has also helped the Sales and Account Management teams with the client renewal process and with customer service. The representatives are able to update clients on the status of their requests within a couple of clicks and assure them that their needs will be filled in a timely and efficient manner. That enhances client satisfaction.  5. How has Wrike + Salesforce affected how you work with other teams/departments?  The integration has made Analytics’ collaborations with Sales and Account Management seamless and smooth. Instead of relying on emails or instant messages that could get lost in the shuffle, or brief in-person visits in which information could get misunderstood, everything is in one place, improving team collaboration with Wrike and Salesforce. This has allowed us to better assist these other departments and made the working relationship even better than it was before.  Wrike's app integrations enhance productivity and collaboration Wrike offers a multitude of app integrations that enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and foster collaboration among teams. These integrations allow users to connect Wrike with their favorite tools, creating a seamless and efficient work environment. Communication integrations Wrike integrates with popular communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail. These integrations allow users to transform conversations into actionable tasks directly within their communication platform. For example, with the Slack integration, you can create, assign, and complete tasks in Wrike without leaving your Slack workspace. This ensures that important tasks don't get lost in the shuffle of everyday communication. File management integrations Wrike seamlessly integrates with file management systems like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, and Box. These integrations make it easy to attach files to tasks, share documents with team members, and keep all project-related files organized and accessible. With these integrations, users can collaborate on documents in real-time, ensuring everyone is working from the most current version. CRM and sales integrations For sales and customer relationship management, Wrike offers integrations with Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo. These integrations allow teams to sync their sales and project management data, ensuring everyone has the most up-to-date information. With the Salesforce integration, for instance, teams can track project progress alongside sales data, aligning efforts and improving efficiency. Development and IT integrations Wrike also integrates with development tools like Jira, GitHub, and Bitbucket. These integrations help development teams synchronize their coding tasks with the larger project plan. For example, the Jira integration allows teams to link their Jira issues to Wrike tasks, ensuring that both technical and non-technical team members stay on the same page. Time tracking and finance integrations For time tracking and financial management, Wrike integrates with tools like Toggl, Harvest, and QuickBooks. These integrations help teams track time spent on tasks, manage budgets, and invoice clients efficiently.Wrike's app integrations create a more connected, collaborative, and efficient workspace. By integrating with a wide range of tools, Wrike ensures that teams can customize their work environment to fit their unique needs and workflows. How do you use Wrike’s app integrations to align your teams? Share your strategies in the comments.  Join teams like Axiometrics and align your teams using Wrike and Salesforce today.