At Wrike, we talk a lot about working smarter, being more collaborative, and doing the best work of your life. It’s not lip service; it’s what drives our team to deliver the most sophisticated collaborative work management platform every day.

An integral part of all that is our ability to integrate with 400+ cloud and on-premise applications. These integrations help marketers get more work done faster and more efficiently. With today’s announcement, we’ll be adding another prominent martech solution to our growing list: Zoom. The brand has become synonymous with remote work and living day to day during the pandemic.

With remote work and video meetings now the norm, productivity might be taking a hit during those meetings. It’s the understandable reality. Day after day, hour after hour in video calls can bring productivity to a standstill when you’re jumping off one call only to join the next. Plus, the actual work that is supposed to come out of those meetings suffers because your time is not spent researching that high-priority blog post, writing that customer email nurture sequence, pushing that new product page live, or editing that video that’s launching tomorrow.

With Wrike Zapp, the all-too-familiar “I’ll share my screen” and “Can you see my screen?” will be a thing of the past as you and your team collaborate on Wrike tasks during Zoom meetings. Instead, you can collaborate on your Wrike tasks without screen sharing or switching applications while in Zoom meetings.

Meet Wrike Zapp

We’re elated to join forces with a leader in modern enterprise video communications to develop Wrike Zapp. The extension will be available within the Zoom Marketplace by the end of 2020 and as a Zapp (aka an app on Zoom), a new program launched at Zoomtopia 2020. Wrike Zapp lets teams add Wrike’s work management features to any Zoom meeting, making it easy to collaborate on existing Wrike tasks.

With the extension, Zoom meeting participants can coordinate on Wrike tasks in real time during meetings without having to screen share or switch applications. Wrike Zapp helps users capture action items and assign task owners during or after meetings. In addition, Zoom users can set due dates, attach files, add comments, search projects and tasks within Wrike, and send follow up action items to all meeting attendees with ease.

This integration is not about adding another prominent name to our integration stack; it’s about driving convenience, improving collaboration, and making your work more efficient. Wrike’s Founder and CEO Andrew Filev summarizes it best:

“As Zoom meetings become more prevalent in the ‘Next Normal,’ it’s important that teams are fully equipped to withstand the growing hurdles of remote work. Wrike Zapp promises to shake up meeting productivity for the better. With this new integration, meetings will become more convenient, allowing Zoom users to achieve enhanced levels of collaboration.”

Wrike + Zoom: More collaborative meetings for your team

Stay tuned for more details as we release Wrike Zapp by year’s end. Once available, you can go to the Zoom marketplace and install Wrike Zapp. Both you and your team will be glad you did.