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Project Plan Guide: 6 Steps to Foolproof Project Planning
Project Management 10 min read

Project Plan Guide: 6 Steps to Foolproof Project Planning

Follow these six steps on how to create a project plan and lead your team with confidence through every stage of the process.

6 Steps for a Solid Code Review Process
Project Management 10 min read

6 Steps for a Solid Code Review Process

A code review is a collaborative process to ensure code is up to standard before merging with the codebase. Learn how to code review in this guide with Wrike.

SWOT Analysis Template
Project Management 10 min read

SWOT Analysis Template

SWOT analysis templates simplify the process of identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Learn more with Wrike’s SWOT template.

The Best Project Management Templates
Project Management 10 min read

The Best Project Management Templates

Explore a curated collection of the best project management templates to standardize processes, leverage data, and build reliable systems.

Can You Build a Gantt Chart Template in Excel or Google Sheets?
Project Management 10 min read

Can You Build a Gantt Chart Template in Excel or Google Sheets?

With a Gantt chart template, you can visualize project data in real time. Find out how to create your own template with this guide.

The Ultimate Business Plan Template
Leadership 10 min read

The Ultimate Business Plan Template

A business plan template helps you set up your business for success. Download our free business plan template to begin planning and managing your business effectively.

The Best Project Plan Templates for Businesses
Project Management 10 min read

The Best Project Plan Templates for Businesses

Project plan templates give you a helpful and consistent starting point for your project plans. Here are free project planning templates and tips to use them.

Free Sprint Planning Template for Efficient Teams
Project Management 10 min read

Free Sprint Planning Template for Efficient Teams

Sprint planning templates support effective teamwork under the Agile methodology. See how to create your own in this guide.

How To Create a Business Continuity Plan Template
Leadership 10 min read

How To Create a Business Continuity Plan Template

Modern businesses face countless risks and challenges, and it is critical to have a business continuity plan (BCP) in place. A BCP helps an organization prepare for disasters, respond to disruptions, and recover in an efficient manner. In this article, we will walk you through a step-by-step guide on crafting the perfect business continuity plan template. Grab your notebook, and let’s dive in! Try Wrike for free Understanding the importance of a business continuity plan template A business continuity plan (BCP) is a preventive and proactive plan that helps an organization manage its operations during emergencies and disasters. It involves identifying and assessing potential threats and hazards that may disrupt a business’s operations. The purpose of a BCP is to minimize the impact of unexpected incidents. The goal is to ensure the company can maintain its essential operations with little interruption. Defining business continuity Business continuity refers to a business’s ability to continue its critical functions during a disruption, whether natural or human-made. This type of plan is a holistic approach that encompasses people, processes, and technology. Identifying potential risks and disruptions The initial stage in BCP development is assessing risks to identify potential threats that could affect the business’s operations. Organizations can categorize risks into internal or external factors, such as cyber threats, natural disasters, power outages, or supply chain disruptions. Once the organization has identified the risks, it needs to evaluate them to determine their potential impact. It’s crucial to assess both the likelihood of these risks happening and the potential consequences of not having a BCP. If a company heavily depends on its computers, a cyberattack or computer failure could be expensive and damage its reputation. A BCP can help mitigate these risks and ensure that the company can continue to operate with minimal disruption. The benefits of having a business continuity plan A BCP helps a company by reducing downtime, cutting financial losses, keeping employees safe, and protecting the brand’s reputation. It enables the organization to respond quickly and effectively to a disruption, resulting in minimal business interruption. Having a BCP in place can also increase customer trust and confidence in the companies ability to handle crises. Another advantage of having a BCP is that it helps spot areas for improvement in how the organization works. These changes allow for making processes more efficient, saving money, and becoming more resilient for the business as a whole. Try Wrike for free Lastly, BCPs hold organizations accountable, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Failure to comply with certain regulations can result in fines and reputation damage, along with endangering employees and customers. Key components of a business continuity plan template A BCP template has the following key parts: analyzing business impact, recovery plans, incident responses, crisis communication, and training. A BCP template is an essential tool for ensuring business continuity. In addition to the key parts mentioned, it should also include clear roles and responsibilities for employees during a crisis. These roles can help streamline decision making and ensure a swift response to any disruptions. Furthermore, the template should incorporate regular testing and revision of the plan to adapt to evolving threats and changing business needs. Good business continuity planning is an ongoing process that protects your organization and makes it stronger when facing challenges.  Let’s take a closer look at each of these components: Business impact analysis A business impact analysis (BIA) consists of two main parts. The first part involves identifying important functions within the organization. The second part involves determining how a disruption could impact the business’s finances, reputation, and compliance. Keep doing this analysis regularly to make sure it stays current and helpful for the business’s present operations. Recovery strategies Recovery strategies are what a company does to fix important things when something bad happens, using info from the BIA. These strategies include recovering data and systems, relocating staff, or seeking assistance from another company until things are back to normal. Remember to document the recovery strategies in detail and have them regularly reviewed and updated. Regularly test them to ensure they function well and you can use them quickly if there’s an issue. Communication and crisis management A communication and crisis management plan tells you how to talk to employees, suppliers, regulators, and customers when something goes wrong. The plan should ensure everyone understands the company’s response to the problem and its impact on the business. Training and awareness Make sure employees understand the BCP through education and regular training so they know what to do during disruptions. This preparation helps the organization respond effectively and minimize disruptions to its operations. Overall, your program should include training on the BIA, recovery strategies, incident response plan, and communication and crisis management plan.  Try Wrike for free Step-by-step guide to creating a business continuity plan template Business continuity planning is a critical process for any organization. Here is your step-by-step approach to creating a BCP template. Step 1: Assemble a business continuity team Assemble a business continuity team consisting of employees from various departments and functions, such as IT, operations, finance, and human resources. These staff members, who know the organization’s important tasks, will create and put the BCP template into action. Also, it is important that the team members have the necessary resources and support to carry out their responsibilities effectively. This may involve giving the team training, making sure they have the right tools and technology. Step 2: Conduct a risk assessment Next, conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify internal and external risks that may impact the organization’s operations. The assessment should consider a range of scenarios, including natural disasters, cyberattacks, and other potential disruptions. It should also take into account the potential impact of these risks on the organization’s critical functions.  Step 3: Identify critical business functions After assessing risks, determine which essential tasks must continue during a disruption. Critical functions are the top tasks the organization needs to prioritize, such as assisting customers, handling orders, and managing finances. Remember to involve key stakeholders in the identification of critical functions.  Step 4: Develop recovery strategies Next, develop recovery strategies that outline the procedures for restoring each function in the event of a critical disruption. Make sure you test and validate your strategies for effectiveness so you can implement them quickly and efficiently. This testing may involve conducting simulations or other exercises to identify any gaps or weaknesses in your recovery strategies. Step 5: Create an incident response plan Craft a plan that provides details on how the organization will respond to an incident. Ensure the procedures detail how to reach the crisis management team, evaluate the situation, and talk to stakeholders, employees, and customers. Make sure the plan explains how to use recovery strategies from Step 4 quickly and effectively when there’s a problem. Step 6: Establish a communication plan Develop a communication plan that outlines how to approach all stakeholders, employees, and customers regarding the disruption and the organization’s response. This plan needs a crisis management team, and their job is to organize how the organization deals with the problem. Establish this team in advance, and have their contact information readily available. Step 7: Train and educate employees Train and educate employees on the BCP and their responsibilities so that they know what to do during a disruption. Do practice runs often to make the plan work better. Everyone, including those not in the business continuity team, should take part. Step 8: Regularly review and update the plan Every year, go and update the BCP template to ensure accuracy. This will make sure it still works and fits any changes in the company’s operations, risks, and threats. It is also important to review the BCP following any significant changes to the organization’s operations or infrastructure. This may include changes to key personnel, IT systems, or the business’s physical location. Business continuity plan example In this business continuity plan example, we’ll explore the key components of a robust strategy to ensure an organization can weather unexpected disruptions. Let’s consider a manufacturing company. Its BCP might include strategies for relocating production to alternate facilities in case of a natural disaster or supply chain interruption. It may also detail communication protocols to keep employees, customers, and stakeholders informed during such events. Additionally, the plan could address data backup and recovery procedures to ensure critical information remains accessible. With a good business continuity plan, organizations can avoid long disruptions. They can keep a good reputation and hold on to trust from customers and partners, even in tough times. How Wrike can help with a business continuity plan template Wrike helps organizations create and maintain a good business continuity plan by being a flexible project management and collaboration platform. By leveraging Wrike, businesses can streamline their continuity planning efforts in several ways. Wrike helps team members communicate and work together easily, with real-time updates and task assignments — especially important during crises. Secondly, the platform supports comprehensive document management, making it easy to store and access critical documents, such as emergency response protocols and contact lists. Moreover, Wrike’s customizable workflow automation guarantees that it meets crucial tasks and deadlines without fail. This enhances the speed and efficiency of responding to disruptions, ensuring that the business can recover quickly and minimize downtime.  In summary, Wrike provides a robust framework for designing, implementing, and maintaining a business continuity plan, helping organizations safeguard their operations and respond effectively to unforeseen challenges. Conclusion A BCP is essential for any organization that wants to ensure business continuity during a disruption. You can create a BCP template by following the steps in this article. This template will assist your organization in managing risks and recovering from disruptions. Remember to review and update your plan regularly and educate your employees to ensure its effectiveness. Ensure your organization’s resilience by crafting an effective business continuity plan template with Wrike. Start your free trial today and safeguard your business from unforeseen risks and disruptions. Note: This article was created with the assistance of an AI engine. It has been reviewed and revised by our team of experts to ensure accuracy and quality.

Time Study Template: Ultimate Creation Guide
Project Management 7 min read

Time Study Template: Ultimate Creation Guide

Are you looking to improve productivity and efficiency in your workplace? A time study can help you identify inefficiencies and streamline processes. However, creating a template for it is essential to ensure accurate and efficient data collection. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to make a time study template. This includes understanding the purpose and benefits, preparing for the study, creating the template, and conducting the study itself. Try Wrike for free Understanding time study templates Before we dive into the specifics of making a time study template, let’s define what a time study template is. What is a time study template? A time study template is a standardized form used to record data during a time study. Using the time it took to complete certain tasks or activities, you can identify areas for improvement. Moreover, you can make the necessary changes for increased productivity and efficiency.  These templates typically include columns to record the participant’s name or ID, the date and time of the study, the task being studied, and the time it takes to complete the task. Some templates may include additional information, such as notes on the task or the environment in which it is performed. Benefits of using a time study process Creating a time study template is an effective way to optimize and streamline your time management processes. By implementing a well-designed template, you can readily identify potential areas for process improvement. Some of the key benefits of using a time study template include: Standardizing data collection to ensure consistency and accuracy Providing a structured format for easy organization and interpretation of data Allowing for easy replication of the study to track progress and measure improvement over time Key components of a time study template Using a structured time study template ensures accurate and easy-to-understand data, making it simpler to make targeted improvements. Some of the main components of a time study template include: Participant identification to track who is involved in the study Date and time stamps to record when the study took place Task description to ensure clarity and consistency in what is being studied Time measurement to understand how long it takes to complete the task Ensure your template is easy for people without time study experience to use, with a simple and intuitive design. You’ll also want to tailor your template to the specific needs and requirements of your workplace. For example, templates for a manufacturing environment should include additional fields to track machine downtime and any other factors that may impact productivity. How to prepare for your time study process Take the time to prepare for your time study to ensure that it will be accurate and provide valuable insights into your business processes. Identify all tasks that are critical to your business, or ones where you suspect there may be inefficiencies. Remember to also consider the scope and duration of the study. How many participants will you need? How long will the study take? 1. Gather necessary tools and resources Get a stopwatch or timer, a clipboard or tablet for collecting data, and any materials needed for the task being studied. Make sure that you have everything you need before beginning your time study.  2. Select participants for the time study Choosing the right participants is key to the success of your time study. You will want those with the right experience and knowledge to guarantee an accurate collection of data. Determine how many participants you’ll need for each task and whether any tasks require multiple participants. Try Wrike for free How to create your time study template It is now time to create your time study template. By following a few simple steps, you’ll have a well-structured, thorough time study template ready for use. 1. Choose a format for your template When it comes to creating a time study template, there are several format options available. Create your own template using a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets, or download a pre-designed template online.  If you choose to create your own template, be sure to consider the format that will work best for your study. Some common formats include: Simple stopwatch and clipboard method Excel spreadsheet with formulas to automatically calculate time Mobile app designed specifically for time studies 2. Design the layout of the template Pause to consider the number of tasks you’ll be studying. More importantly, consider how the data will be recorded, as you will want to include all necessary information. This data should also be easily accessible. Will you need columns for start and stop times? Will you need to record the number of units produced during the task?  It’s also important to consider the physical layout of the template and ensure it’s easy to navigate. Will it be a paper form or an electronic form? Can it be filled out by hand or accessed on a tablet or computer?  3. Incorporate essential elements into the time study template When creating your time study template, be sure to include all the essential elements we identified earlier. This includes space for participant identification, date and time stamps, task description, and time measurement. Participant identification is important for tracking who performed the task and ensuring accurate data collection. The date and time stamps show when the task was done, which is helpful for spotting patterns and trends. The task description should be detailed enough to ensure consistency across multiple trials. Lastly, it’s crucial to maintain accurate and consistent time measurement, whether you’re recording in minutes, seconds, or units produced. How to conduct the time study Now that your template is complete, it’s time to conduct the time study. Conducting a time study can help you identify areas of inefficiency in your processes and improve overall productivity. In this section, we’ll go over the steps you need to take to conduct a successful time study. 1. Train participants on the time study process Before beginning, provide participants with clear instructions on the study process and how to use the template. This will ensure they understand the importance of accurate data collection and are able to complete the study effectively. Make sure to answer any questions they may have and provide examples of how to use the template. 2. Observe and record task completion times Once the participants are trained, it’s time to begin the time study. Observe and record their task completion times using the time study template. Make sure to collect as much data as possible to ensure accurate results. This may involve observing the same task multiple times or different tasks performed by the same participant. Also, it’s vital to remain objective during the observation process. Avoid interfering with the task being performed or influencing the participant in any way. Simply observe and record the completion time. 3. Analyze the collected data The last step is to analyze the collected data. Use the results to identify problems and areas for improvement. Look for patterns in the data that may indicate a need for changes or additional training. It’s important to involve all stakeholders in the analysis process, such as the managers, supervisors, and participants themselves. The purpose is to have everyone understand the results and remain committed to making improvements. Conclusion By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create an effective time study template to help your organization increase productivity and efficiency. Remember, the key to a successful time study lies in careful preparation, consistent data collection, and thorough analysis of the results. If possible, your company could repeat the study periodically to track progress and measure improvements over time. Maximize efficiency even further with Wrike’s user-friendly work management platform. Begin your free trial now and gain valuable insights into your organization’s time utilization. Try Wrike for free Note: This article was created with the assistance of an AI engine. It has been reviewed and revised by our team of experts to ensure accuracy and quality.

Tailor Your Workday With Our Daily Schedule Template Guide
Project Management 7 min read

Tailor Your Workday With Our Daily Schedule Template Guide

Life’s a whirlwind of never-ending to-dos and looming deadlines, but fear not! We’ve got just the ticket to add some pizzazz to your day: the almighty daily schedule template. In this blog post, we’re about to spill the beans on why crafting a daily schedule can be your secret weapon in the battle against chaos. Not only that, but we’ll also hold your hand through the super-fun process of customizing your very own daily schedule template. Get ready to turbocharge your productivity and have a blast doing it! Try Wrike for free Benefits of a daily schedule Having a daily schedule template is essential for effective time management, boosting productivity, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. By identifying your priorities, allocating time slots, and incorporating breaks and leisure time into your schedule, you can achieve more in less time and avoid burnout.  How to identify your daily priorities Creating a daily schedule template can be a game-changer in terms of productivity and time management. However, it all starts with identifying your daily priorities. By knowing what’s important, you can allocate your time efficiently and accomplish your most important tasks. Personal and professional goals Identifying your short-term and long-term personal and professional goals is the first step in creating a daily schedule template. Have a clear direction and focus for your day with goals such as exercising regularly, completing a work project, or spending quality time with family and friends.  If your short-term goal is to exercise daily, allocate a specific time slot in your schedule for it. This way, you’ll be motivated to stick to your routine and achieve your fitness goals. Time-sensitive tasks Aside from personal and professional goals, it’s vital to identify any time-sensitive tasks that need to be completed on a particular day or week. Prioritize and complete them without delay, whether they be appointments, deadlines, or meetings.  If you have a meeting scheduled for 2 p.m., allocate enough time for preparation beforehand. This step will help you avoid any last-minute stress or panic. Balancing work and leisure daily tasks While it’s essential to prioritize work-related tasks, it’s equally important to allocate time for leisure activities. Doing so can help keep you motivated to complete your daily tasks. If you’ve been working on a project for several hours, taking a break to read a book, watch your favorite TV show, or chat with loved ones can help you recharge and refocus. As a result, you’ll be more productive and less likely to experience burnout. Choosing the right format for your schedule template Creating a schedule template is an excellent way to stay organized and manage your time effectively. Once you have identified your daily task priorities, choose the right format for your schedule template.  Paper vs. digital daily planner templates  Paper templates are a classic choice, perfect for those who prefer a simple, tangible schedule. These templates can be created using a journal or notepad, and you can customize them with various colors and designs. Writing your schedule on paper helps you focus on tasks without distractions and take a break from technology.  Digital templates, on the other hand, offer more flexibility and can be accessed from anywhere using a smartphone or computer. They can also be customized with various fonts and layouts, making them more visually appealing. Digital templates are perfect for busy people who need constant access to their schedule while on the move.  Popular scheduling apps and tools  To manage your tasks effectively and collaborate with others, consider using a scheduling app, such as Google Calendar or Wrike. Google Calendar is an excellent choice for those who use Google products, as it integrates seamlessly with other Google apps such as Gmail and Google Drive.  Wrike is a great option for visual learners, as it allows you to organize your tasks using cards, boards, and Gantt charts. Wrike is also perfect for team collaboration, as it allows multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously. Customizing your template  Regardless of which format you choose, you should customize your template to suit your needs and preferences. You can add colors, labels, and designs to make your schedule more eye-catching. This can also help keep you engaged and invested in your daily schedule.  It’s also essential to consider your scheduling habits when customizing your template. If you tend to procrastinate, you may want to include more detailed time blocks to keep yourself accountable. If you have a lot of meetings or appointments, you may want to color-code them to make them stand out.  Try Wrike for free How to create your daily schedule template Now that you have identified your priorities and chosen the right format for your schedule template, it’s time to create the schedule itself. Here are some tips: Allocate time blocks in daily planning Start by dividing your day into time blocks, such as morning, afternoon, and evening. This will help you get a better sense of how much time you have available for each task. Then, allocate time for your priorities, starting with the most important tasks first.  To determine which tasks are the most pressing, use the Eisenhower Matrix. This tool helps you prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Give top priority to tasks that are urgent and important, and eliminate or reassign tasks that are not. Incorporate breaks and leisure time  Don’t forget to include sufficient breaks and leisure time in your schedule. This can provide the necessary mental space to recharge and return to your tasks with renewed energy. Try activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends and family. Add flexibility for unexpected events  Finally, be sure to add flexibility to your daily schedule template. It’s a good idea to leave extra time between tasks or have some free time in your schedule for unexpected events. Remember, creating a daily schedule template is just the first step. To truly be successful, you need to commit to following your schedule and making adjustments as needed. With practice and perseverance, you can regain control of your time and achieve your goals. Create your daily schedule template with Wrike Wrike is a game-changer when it comes to creating your daily schedule template. This powerful project management and collaboration software empowers you to take control of your day like never before.  With Wrike’s intuitive interface, you can seamlessly organize your tasks, set priorities, and allocate time efficiently. It’s your personal command center for productivity, allowing you to track progress, collaborate with team members, and adapt your schedule on the fly. Wrike’s adaptability and user-friendly features make it a must-have for anyone looking to supercharge their daily planning. This ensures you can stay focused, achieve your goals, and, most importantly, find time for a little extra work-life balance. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to a more productive, balanced, and upbeat daily routine with Wrike! Conclusion Creating a daily schedule template can help you manage your time more efficiently and achieve your goals effectively. You can make a schedule template just for you by following the steps in this article.  Remember to identify your priorities, choose the right format for your template, and customize it to suit your needs. And lastly, incorporate sufficient breaks and leisure time, add flexibility to your schedule, and stay motivated to accomplish your tasks efficiently.  Revolutionize the way you manage time by creating a daily schedule template using Wrike. Start your free trial today and stay on top of your priorities. Try Wrike for free Note: This article was created with the assistance of an AI engine. It has been reviewed and revised by our team of experts to ensure accuracy and quality.

Project Charters: Guide to Writing (With Template)
Project Management 10 min read

Project Charters: Guide to Writing (With Template)

What is a project charter and why do you need one? Try Wrike’s project charter templates to plan your projects better.

4 Editorial Calendar Templates to Streamline Publishing
Marketing 10 min read

4 Editorial Calendar Templates to Streamline Publishing

Looking for an organized way to schedule content for the year? Try one of the editorial calendar templates outlined in this guide.

How to Make a Social Media Calendar (Step by Step) for 2023
Marketing 10 min read

How to Make a Social Media Calendar (Step by Step) for 2023

A social media calendar helps plan and schedule social posts, saving time for other high-value work. Learn how to create a social media calendar template with Wrike.

5 Must-Have Content Calendar Templates to Use in 2023
Marketing 10 min read

5 Must-Have Content Calendar Templates to Use in 2023

Are you planning out content for 2023? Check out these five content calendar templates to simplify the planning process.

How to Take Better Meeting Notes
Productivity 10 min read

How to Take Better Meeting Notes

Knowing how to take better meeting notes will help make the most of your meetings. This guide shares the best way to take notes in meetings — and why it matters.

Task Tracker Templates: Why You Need Them
Project Management 10 min read

Task Tracker Templates: Why You Need Them

Task trackers keep teams motivated and aligned to achieve their biggest goals over time. Learn how to use task tracker templates to improve team productivity.

Construction Proposals: Tips and Templates
Project Management 10 min read

Construction Proposals: Tips and Templates

Are you looking for a construction proposal template? Discover the ins and outs of construction proposals and how to create your own with Wrike’s guide.

Itinerary Template for Project Management
Project Management 7 min read

Itinerary Template for Project Management

An itinerary template can help project teams organize their workload, manage time, and deliver successful events. Learn how to create itinerary templates with Wrike.

Job Description Templates: Attract the Right Talent
Project Management 10 min read

Job Description Templates: Attract the Right Talent

Wondering how to write job descriptions? Find tips, examples, and a helpful job description template to help you attract top talent to your open roles.

Receipt and Invoice Templates for All Your Clients
Project Management 5 min read

Receipt and Invoice Templates for All Your Clients

Track your payments easily and get paid promptly with Wrike’s easy-to-use invoice receipt template options.

3 Types of Financial Statements and How to Use Them
Project Management 10 min read

3 Types of Financial Statements and How to Use Them

Financial statements record a company’s activities and financial performance for a period. Learn how to use financial reports to keep your business on track.

How to Make a Budget Spreadsheet for Your Small Business in 2023
Leadership 7 min read

How to Make a Budget Spreadsheet for Your Small Business in 2023

Starting a business can be an overwhelming process, with business plans, leases, financing, legal documents — and monthly budget sheets. We know you’d almost certainly rather spend time refining your product, talking with happy customers, or honing your investor pitch than hunch over spreadsheets, calculating the seemingly impossible amount of money it’s going to take to get your business off the ground. But whether you are a manager or a business owner, creating a budget is absolutely essential to your success.  This article will help you understand small business budgeting basics to help your company thrive in 2023. If you want to make your life even easier, we offer an easy-to-use monthly budget template that will help you log expenses, sort costs by category, view monthly spending, and examine budget details — all within Wrike.  Let’s start with the building blocks: monthly budget planning.  Start with a monthly expense sheet Your monthly budget planning worksheet is a roadmap for your business, helping you define priorities, understand where your business is going, and determine whether you’re on the right path. It’s a key factor when raising capital, whether you're applying for a loan or pitching to investors, and a cornerstone of your business plan. It can help you minimize risk and experiment with how to best allocate resources. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to create an accurate and realistic budget that’s specific to your business and goals.  You need to start with basic questions that will help you gauge your finances. How much money do you have? How much do you need to spend on materials, manpower, and marketing? How much revenue is required to meet your business goals? Can you afford to buy new equipment, run a new advertising campaign, or hire another team member? Do you have an emergency fund you can tap into if unexpected costs arise? These are all key questions that will help you determine your starting point for your monthly and annual budgets.  How to make a monthly budget Making a monthly budget can seem daunting, but it essentially involves writing down each and every expense you expect to have over the course of a month. It’s helpful to categorize these expenses to get a clear idea of where your budget is being spent. Costs involved in a monthly budget typically fall into two categories: monthly expenses and one-time costs. Costs such as employee salaries, lease payments, utilities, and insurance are all recurring monthly expenses, whereas line items such as purchasing equipment and consultant fees constitute one-time costs.  Here is what you need to include in your monthly expense sheet: Revenue: Estimated sales figures (err on the conservative side if you can't be exact) Fixed costs: Rent, insurance, etc. These figures don’t typically change from month to month.  Variable costs: These costs typically correlate with sales, such as the cost of raw materials to produce your product, inventory, shipping/freight, etc.  Semi-variable costs: These expenses are influenced by the volume of your business, including salaries, marketing and advertising, etc.  Profits: To determine profits, subtract your costs from your revenue. Once you have a profit estimate, you can determine how to invest in your business, whether that means upgrading equipment, moving to a larger office or better location, adding staff, or giving your employees raises.  Now that you’ve set up your monthly budget, make sure to revisit it periodically. It should not be a static document that you check once a quarter or only at the start of the year. Revisit it every month and see where you can adjust or experiment — maybe shift some funds to give your marketing budget a boost for a few months and see how it affects your sales pipeline. If you find you’re getting a good return, that’s useful information when it comes to future decisions about allocating resources. Reviewing your budget data using accounting software will also help you anticipate your future spending needs, profits, and cash flow. Wrike’s monthly budget tracker template can help Wrike has a ready-to-use monthly budget template that can help you set up a robust budget tracking system quickly, without any coding or special knowledge required. You might be tempted to use a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, but using a more robust budgeting app will give you a more holistic and flexible view of your annual budget, allowing you to easily create reports, visualize overspend, and more.  Wrike’s monthly budget tracker template has all the features you need to take control of your company expenses. Log expenses with a custom request form  Sort costs by category using a clear folder structure View monthly spending on a shared calendar Examine budget details with a pre-built report  These powerful features will allow you to make informed financial decisions about your business’s budget, thanks to better visibility into your revenue and expenses.  In addition, Wrike integrates directly with over 400 apps, including many of the most popular budgeting and financial apps available, so you can connect your accounts and populate your Wrike system with information instantly.  Tools for tracking business expenses and budgets Along with a monthly budget spreadsheet template, the right project management software is one of the best ways to prevent out-of-control spending and overrun costs. You’ll understand exactly where your work stands, how much money and time has been spent, and be able to more accurately predict the cost and timeline for the entire project.  Wrike helps you manage your budgets and projects with ease Use Wrike to take total control of your business finances by creating budgets, managing projects, and so much more. In addition to budget management, Wrike can also help manage projects and teams with ease. You can avail of the following features with Wrike:  @mentions for easy communication with your team Gantt charts for managing timelines In-depth performance reporting Automated team reminders Kick-start your budget planning process with Wrike. Get started with a two-week free trial of Wrike —no credit card required! 

Simple Cost Comparison Template & How-to Guide
Project Management 10 min read

Simple Cost Comparison Template & How-to Guide

Need to figure out the best choices for your budget? A cost comparison template can help you weigh up your options. Discover more with Wrike.