- 1. What Is Product Management?
- 2. What Is a Software Product?
- 3. Software Product Manager
- 4. Product Owner
- 5. Product Management Life Cycle
- 6. Product Management Roadmap
- 7. Product Management Software and Tools
- 8. Product Backlog
- 9. Product Management OKRs
- 10. Product Requirements Documents
- 11. Product Management Metrics and KPIs Explained
- 12. Product Analytics
- 13. Comprehensive Guide to Lean Product Management
- 14. Best Product Management Resources for Product Managers
- 15. Practical Product Management Templates
- 16. FAQ
- 17. Glossary of Product Management Terms
- 1. What Is Product Management?
- 2. What Is a Software Product?
- 3. Software Product Manager
- 4. Product Owner
- 5. Product Management Life Cycle
- 6. Product Management Roadmap
- 7. Product Management Software and Tools
- 8. Product Backlog
- 9. Product Management OKRs
- 10. Product Requirements Documents
- 11. Product Management Metrics and KPIs Explained
- 12. Product Analytics
- 13. Comprehensive Guide to Lean Product Management
- 14. Best Product Management Resources for Product Managers
- 15. Practical Product Management Templates
- 16. FAQ
- 17. Glossary of Product Management Terms
Product Management vs. Product Development

Product Management vs. Product Development - What Is the Difference?
While product management and product development sound like similar concepts, they’re fundamentally different. Here, we’ll examine product management vs. product development, comparing their functions, roles, and responsibilities.
Product management
Product management is a strategic role that takes in the entire product life cycle, from planning to producing to marketing. Product managers help lead the vision for their company’s offerings, ensuring that every product delivered meets the needs and wants of the customer.
To do this, they perform market and customer research, translate customer needs into requirements, and ensure those requirements are present in the final product. Their job is not to build the product itself but to maintain the high-level product roadmap.
Product management teams vary from organization to organization. Some companies may have a single product manager who guides the various teams involved in creating a product. Others may have a cross-functional product management team, which can include roles like product marketing, production, product design, product analytics, and quality control.
Product development
Product development, meanwhile, is the process of getting an idea from concept to market. Product development teams can consist of software developers, designers, engineers, quality assurance testers — anything it takes to bring the ideal product to life.
The product development team takes the requirements specified by the product manager and fashions them into a working product that meets the organization’s quality standards.
In short: product management is about the ‘what,’ while product development is more concerned with the ‘how.’ Working alongside each other, product managers and product development teams create the ideal product.

Anna Grigoryan
Anna is a Director of Product Management at Wrike and a seasoned product leader with over 15 years of experience in the tech industry. She has successfully led multiple engineering teams, ensuring the delivery of high-quality products featuring mobile and web experiences, seamless integrations with other platforms, and innovative white-labeled solutions.
Product Management Team And Roles
- Product Management Hierarchy
- Product Management Team and Roles
- Role of a Product Management Lead
- Role of a Product Management Specialist
- Product Manager vs Software Engineer
- Technical Product Manager vs Product Manager
- How to Become a Product Owner
- Project Manager vs Project Owner
- Importance of The Product Owner