WaveTekk https://www.wrike.com project management tools with 30-day trial, also they are provided video instruction, and really carry out our needs.
KarlieMacG @Consider_IT Wrike...I like it....ALOT :)
Consider_IT @KarlieMacG Wrike is good :)
krish_int https://www.wrike.com/- I think this can also be a better alternative to Deskaway as one can manage as many projects as you like  free Try!
tm65 Wrike seems like a nice tool.
lkr @ramit I would just contact @wrike, they have 99% of what u want out of the box, could maybe do a custom solution on the rest for u
millca @viticci Check out @wrike  --> It is the best project management software I've found -- soon to have an iPhone app too!
LovelyLauraRose I wrike! :)
mr_credit Wrike - Programming Blog: Active in over 50 countries, Wrike is often used by small business managers as well as v... https://bit.ly/c31THO
andreaverdiani Wrike: What can you use the application for? Wrike is an intuitive project management web... https://bit.ly/bi5rNd
andrewsthoughts Recent betas that I love the most: Google Voice international calls on Nexus and upcoming Wrike 3.0 release
lkr Two companies that keep my biz going: @infusionsoft & @wrike. Thank you both for listening to my feedback constantly improving!
core @marcomalacarne Wrike does a few things right. It has gantt charts and an integrated e-mail workflow.
emdyard Scheduling: Wrike Fine-tunes Project Scheduling, Doubles Task Management ... https://bit.ly/daPPiO
FRMNTRNSPRT WRIKE is the way we manage. www.wrike.com.
nancymyrland Project Management Software --> RT @wrike: @pricklypig any questions abt Wrike, we'll be happy to help! https://www.wrike.com
rjamestaylor Just received a personal note along with chocolate to check out a new product integration with Google Wave. It worked, @Wrike!
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