In the dynamic world of marketing, efficiency is the name of the game. To ensure your team not only meets but exceeds expectations, it’s essential to focus on the three critical phases of work management: receiving, resourcing, and reviewing work. By optimizing these stages within your workflow process, you can pave the way for greater efficiencies and remarkable outcomes.

Let’s delve into each of these components and understand their significance in driving marketing success.

1. Receiving work: The foundation of effective collaboration

The first R, receiving work, marks the initial step in any marketing project. This phase involves clear communication and understanding between team members, stakeholders, and clients. It’s here that you set the stage for success by defining objectives, expectations, and deliverables.

Effective strategies for receiving work:

  • Clear briefs and objectives: Implement user-friendly work intake forms, similar to what platforms like Wrike offer. These digital forms allow for the precise outlining of project goals, target audience, messaging, and desired outcomes. By utilizing this digital approach, you not only streamline the information gathering process but also provide a structured framework that eliminates confusion, ensuring that all team members are aligned and well informed from the outset.
  • Active listening and clarification: Encourage open communication and ask questions to ensure you fully understand the project’s scope and objectives. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and reduces the risk of rework.
  • Setting realistic timelines: Establish clear deadlines and milestones to create a sense of urgency and accountability among team members. This sets the pace for the entire project.

Creative Brief: Definition, Examples, and Template

2. Resourcing work: The engine of productivity

Resourcing work is the second crucial phase, where you allocate tasks and assign responsibilities to the right individuals within your team. It’s about harnessing the unique strengths and skills of each team member to maximize productivity.

Key strategies for resourcing work:

  • Skill matching: Identify the strengths and expertise of each team member and assign tasks that align with their skills. This ensures that work is executed efficiently and at a high standard.
  • Balancing workloads: Avoid overloading any one team member while others are underutilized. A balanced workload promotes even progress and prevents burnout.
  • Effective tools and collaboration platforms: Invest in tools and platforms that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration. This ensures that team members have the resources they need to excel in their tasks.

3. Reviewing work: Streamlining stakeholder feedback for seamless marketing assets

The reviewing work phase (our third and final) is pivotal, especially when it comes to capturing feedback from stakeholders or clients for various marketing assets. This stage serves as a crucial checkpoint to ensure that the end product aligns with the intended goals and meets the expectations of those involved. A key emphasis here is on the significance of consolidating feedback effectively to eliminate the need for multiple rounds of revisions.

Strategies for reviewing work:

  • Focused feedback sessions: Establish structured feedback sessions with stakeholders or clients. These sessions should be purpose-driven, concentrating on specific aspects of the marketing asset such as messaging, design elements, and overall alignment with the brand’s vision.
  • Efficient feedback channels: Leverage digital tools like Wrike proofing and approvals to streamline feedback consolidation. This provides a simplified, centralized space for stakeholders or clients to provide comments directly on the marketing assets. This not only ensures clarity in communication but also eliminates the need for lengthy email chains or scattered feedback, making the review process more efficient and organized. 
  • Feedback prioritization: After receiving feedback, prioritize revisions based on their impact on the overall project. Focus on addressing critical points first, ensuring that subsequent revisions are aligned with the project’s objectives.

Wrike proofing Educational Insights


Mastering the three R’s of work management — receiving, resourcing, and reviewing work — is essential for marketing teams striving for efficiency and excellence. By honing these phases within your workflow process, you set the foundation for seamless collaboration, optimal resource allocation, and a culture of continuous improvement.

Remember, a well-managed workflow not only boosts productivity but also leads to exceptional results.

Shannon Riley will take part in a number of breakout sessions at Collaborate 2023, discussing how to drive revenue impact with Wrike and unlock insights with our charts and dashboards. Don’t miss out — tune in on November 8! 

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