We are extremely happy to share a presentation featuring Wrike project management software, made by one of our loyal customers, Manuel Grudl. Manuel works as project manager and Internet strategist at the Austrian National Tourist Office. In his presentation, he talks about the challenges in project management that he and his colleagues face every day and how these challenges can be overcome by applying the right technology to the processes. 

We were very pleased and honored to find out that, after evaluating so many project management software tools, the Austrian Natioual Tourist Office chose Wrike as the best one! In the slide deck, Manuel points out that Wrike’s Intelligent E-mail EngineTM, Dynamic TimelineTM, Flexible StructuresTM and Activity Stream are the key to successful project management in his organization.

Have a look at this interesting and useful presentation, and get insight into how project secretaries turn into project leaders with Wrike’s help.

If you want to view the presentation in German, please see Manuel's original slide deck.