The @mention feature has been at your service to facilitate collaboration for quite a while already. In addition to mentioning particular users in task and project comments, recently we implemented the ability to do the same with tasks and folders. We’re taking another step to enhance this useful social feature: now, you can mention whole user groups in your work discussions.

There are certain cases when you need to plug in a lot of employees into a task discussion at once. For instance, you need to collect their feedback on the new logo design, or you want to make sure they're all in the loop about the upcoming event schedule. Well, now you can make that happen in just a few clicks. Just start typing "@" in the comment field and invite whole groups to the conversation! You can mention your whole team at once (default MyTeam group). Enterprise users can either mention the whole team, or choose particular groups.

After you mention the group, Wrike sends a one-time notification email to its members, and the task gets shared with them (if it wasn't previously). Group members won’t be added as followers of that task, so everyone can control that on an individual level.

Get the conversations going with the @UserGroups feature!