The sad news of this week is that Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of the productivity best-seller "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," passed away this Monday at the age of 79. The book that brought him global recognition was first published in 1989. No wonder that Forbes honored it as one of top 10 business management books. Even 23 years later, it’s still popular, and what’s most important, the topic is just as hot. Probably even hotter in today’s fast-paced, multi-tasking world than it was back then. Covey’s most famous book shares some very valuable thoughts on delegation, management and leadership. Overall, these are not rules, but rather concepts that you can develop further, based on your own needs, experience and work style. For instance, one of Covey’s “Habits” is synergy. To put it simply, two heads are better than one. Covey explained why several people working as a team can achieve better results than if they work separately. Delegating wisely and achieving great results through teamwork – those are two of the most important things that Wrike aims to help you with.

If you glance at the book reviews on Amazon, you might notice that Covey’s ideas inspired many people to come up with their own productivity techniques. We on the Wrike team have a similar story, too. Some time ago, when we were preparing some time-saving tips to share with you, Covey’s methods were an important source of inspiration for us. In case you haven't seen the final result yet, you can take a look at our time management infographic.

Stephen Covey has left a really impressive legacy, and his motivating advice will live long after him, inciting a new breed of success and productivity secrets.