There are two types of people in the world: the type that hears about AI tools and instantly heads to download them, and the type that hears about AI tools and continues about their daily business. 

Full admission: I’m the latter type. I’m not an early adopter, and I already feel like I have too many apps in my life. The last thing I need is another password I have to remember! But I have been converted. 

Hear me out. I recently wrote a blog series about how Wrikers use AI in their personal and professional lives to increase creativity, improve productivity, and jump-start personal projects. My colleagues convinced me that AI tools are worth the time it takes to learn how to use them, remember new passwords, and take up space on my desktop. In that series, we covered specific use cases where Wrikers use AI tools to speed up tasks that would have taken them considerable time, brainstorm ideas to overcome writer’s block, and improve their personal lives. 

While AI may have its detractors, and there are remaining concerns about privacy and veracity, for now, there are elements we can all embrace to enrich and improve our lives. 

I’ve pulled together a selection of ways you should be (and I now am) using AI in everyday life, from brainstorming creative ideas to improving presentation decks.

Using AI tools wisely

When it comes to using AI regularly, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. In a recent interview, Clark Schroeder, Lead Enablement Program Manager here at Wrike, explains that his overarching rule with AI tools is, “Trust, but verify.” He relies on what AI tools put out, but he makes sure to verify first. 

Meanwhile, Jan Volny, our Head of Global Renewals, cautions fellow Wrikers not to put any sensitive information into AI tools like ChatGPT. “I always urge my team to anonymize,” he says. However, information found on LinkedIn or public-facing websites is generally safe to use. 

And finally, our Demand Marketing Manager Melissa Kovach reinvests time saved to put her own spin on any work created: 

“AI certainly saves me a lot of time overall, but I always take that saved time to make sure I add my own personal style to it, adjust to make sense for the business, and ensure it’s more human than robot.” 

With those key considerations in mind, it’s time to skip to the good part!

Ways to incorporate AI into your everyday life


If you’re anything like me, staring at a blank document can be the kiss of death for productivity. Even a few ideas for where to start can help the writing process. AI tools can give you a jumping-off point that can seriously kick-start your creative process. 


Whether you’re summarizing large swathes of text or asking an AI tool to pull out critical points in a long email thread, AI tools are great for producing the TL;DR when you need to save time. 


While Google Translate has dominated the simple translation game for a long time, tools like ChatGPT are better at translating colloquialisms. Google Translate tends to translate more literally, and ChatGPT can translate more niche languages as well. 

Improving text or presentations

AI tools really can help you improve work you’ve completed. Drop in the text or information you have compiled and ask ChatGPT or Microsoft Bing to make three suggestions for improvements. You can also ask AI tools to pinpoint where you have holes or missing information. 

Creating low-stakes imagery

I’m not advocating replacing artists with AI, but if you’re creating low-stakes imagery like coloring pages to entertain your child or a funny card to send a friend on their birthday, have at it. If the robots are going to take over, we might as well have a little fun while we wait! 

Automating repeatable tasks

Most of us repeat tasks throughout our workday. Now, you can use AI tools to automate them so you can free up time for high-value work! With Wrike, you can easily turn a simple task into a recurring one with a few clicks, and you can even turn a set of tasks into a blueprint you can use whenever you need. If there’s one thing AI should do, it’s eliminating admin time. 

Predicting or suggesting tasks

While one of the most annoying features of my Apple watch is to remind me to stand up every hour, predicting or suggesting tasks can be a hugely helpful tool AI can assist with. Wrike has this ability built in, and regularly prompts users to automate routine tasks.

Adjusting tone or length

If you tend to have a straightforward delivery but want to make an email sound more flowery or warm, turn to AI tools. You can ask a tool like Google Gemini to adjust the tone of your writing as well as length, style, and even the audience it’s designed for. 

AI features in Wrike

Wrike has been at the forefront of incorporating AI features for years, and our users now have a whole host of built-in AI tricks at their disposal. You can adjust texts in numerous ways with Wrike tasks, including shortening, changing tone, translating into different languages, and much more. 

If you need to catch up on a long stream of comments, you can get an AI-generated summary with a single click. Our AI pop-ups offer suggestions for changing the status of subtasks when the parent task is changed or prompts when tasks are nearing overdue status. Wrike’s AI features also transform notes into action items, write project briefs based on meeting notes, and so much more. 

We’re truly in the business of using AI to make your work life easier. Whether you’re an early adopter or a reluctant participant, Wrike makes it easy to avail of AI’s power. 

Haven’t tried Wrike and want to give it a go? We’ve got a two-week free trial with your name on it.