Communication is essential to team collaboration. It's one of the reasons why we built, and continue to improve, Wrike. In an effort to make communication within the software more robust, we're introducing Inbox.

We replaced the Notification Center icons on the top nav with the new Inbox tab on the left side menu. It's an improved way to monitor your discussions.

Here's why:

  • One place to see all your assignments and @mentions
  • Clicking the notification opens the task in our standard 3-pane layout
  • Notifications stay in your Inbox
  • Ability to Archive/Unarchive messages
  • Notification Status is synced with mobile apps

How Inbox Streamlines Wrike Communication

Wrike Inbox makes team collaboration even faster by showing you all your new assignments and @mentions, without mixing in general work updates. When you visit your Inbox tab, you can quickly go through all new notifications and reply to comments, reschedule or add tasks to My Work, or place tasks in the appropriate folders/projects.

Archive Messages to Stay Focused

Once you've seen the @mention or assignment, then archive it. This moves it out of your "Incoming" view. It also cleans out your Wrike Inbox, and restores the peace of mind that you've left no open loops needing your attention (a principle taught by David Allen in his Getting Things Done methodology).

If you have any questions or any feedback on Inbox, please contact our Support team.