作業指示書(またはSOW)は、作業のスコープ全体を定義するベンダーのための正式文書で、成果物、コストおよびタイムラインを定義しています。 社内プロジェクトチームに加え、ベンダーや外部貢献者がプロジェクトに関わる場合はこの作業指示書が必要になり、通常は入札書類や契約書の一部として作成します。成功基準の測定、および成果物や予算、タイムラインに関する議論を避けるためにも、すべてのステークホルダーが作業指示書を明確に理解することが重要です。
- すべての成果物と期限
- 成果物を生み出す個々のタスクとその担当者
- プロジェクトに必要なリソース(設備や機器、QA手順など)
- プロジェクトの管理プロセス
- コストと支払い期限
Statement of work example
To better understand this piece of the project management process, it’s important to look at a sample statement of work.
It’s probably clear from the above list of typical inclusions that a SOW is usually a substantial amount of work once properly created. One thing that can help you get started in creating your own statement of work is to view a sample statement of work or start with a statement of work template. While different industries will have specific requirements for a statement of work, each project management statement of work example will typically start with a summary of the SOW and a table of contents directing stakeholders to each section.
How to write a statement of work
In this basic sample of a SOW, you can see that it’s best to begin by summarizing the scope of work for the project before outlining the panel of team members with responsibility for the project’s outcome. Then you’ll list important actions and associated deadlines and accountability for each of these actions.
The statement of work should also include the timeline for the project, the budget and payments anticipated, and the standards expected for each item budgeted. The statement of work will also likely include internal and external standards for this type of work and the criteria by which the deliverables will be accepted.
A statement of work is an extensive document and critical to keeping your project on track, on budget, and delivered on time.