We always try to make your collaboration within team, across departments and with partners even quicker, smoother, and more efficient. Based on feedback from many of you, we added a great new feature that allows any user to immediately add new members to your Wrike account in an easy and secure way. These new user privileges will make it much easier to involve new people and let them get started with Wrike right away.

Send Invites Without Interrupting Your Work

Let's say you're working on an important project and you want to share it with your client, but your account admin went on vacation for a week. No worries. With this new feature, you can invite the client immediately instead of interrupting your admin's beach time to ask them to add the new user.

And there is no longer a need to travel all the way to the administrative account management profile. We've introduced three new avenues so that, as an admin or a team member, you can invite people right when you think about it.

...From "Share Folder" in the folder list

Right-click on a folder in your list and select "Share folder," just as you would to share it with a user already in Wrike. You will see a field allowing you to invite new users right away. To ensure your data stays safe, you can select the role for your invitee: regular user, external user, or collaborator (the two latter won't be able to share information with anybody else). People will have access to your folder as soon as they accept the invitation through their email account.

...From "Add assignee" or "Share with" in a task

When you want to assign or share a specific task with someone not in the account yet you can invite their email address into Wrike directly from the "Add assignee" or "Share with" buttons. The task will automatically be shared with them once they accept the invite.

For these two options, the new account's role is automatically assigned: If the invitee's email domain matches the corporate choice, they will be a regular user. If their email domain is different, they will be an external user.

These new methods save you time and ensure that you never forget to add important people to your conversations.

And by the way, if you're an account admin you can still use the previous methods for adding users, too.

Your Data Stays Secure

We're serious about the security of your data. Our elegant solution makes sure the right people get the right information.

Make your employees regular users to give them all information they need to be productive. And when you invite an outside partner or client, they can be an external user with limited access: they can't invite new users, and they will only see the folders, files, and user information you explicitly share with them.

Whenever someone is invited to join Wrike, the account admin will receive an email about the addition.

If you have projects with elevated security requirements, you can modify your Account settings to restrict invitations. Enterprise admins will also be able to limit the role of new invitees to 'Collaborator' in the Security tab of their account settings.

This collaboration enhancer will be rolled out to our existing customers on May 26, and new users can take advantage of the update right away. If you have any questions about the new feature, please feel free to contact our Support team.