Did you know that roughly 77% of top-performing companies are already using automated marketing to increase their revenue? No matter the kind of marketing campaign that’s being worked on, whether it’s technical, creative, digital, or social, there are many tasks and processes that constantly need to be managed. 

Automated task management can eradicate many of these smaller, repetitive tasks within your marketing campaigns, so your team can focus on the most value-added activities. 

What marketing tasks can be automated?

Marketing automation is all about using software to streamline some of your team’s marketing activities. Tasks that can be automated include any activities that are routine, repetitive, or non-essential. 

For instance, many marketing departments choose to automate lead generation, including social media posting, ad campaign testing, and email marketing tasks. But, depending on your target market, you may decide that some of these tasks require a more unique and personalized approach. 

Many of your internal tasks also have a lot of potential for project management automation. For instance, automating new project requests and workflows can save your team time and ensure critical information is never overlooked. 

The best approach for deciding which tasks to automate is by:

  1. Listing out all of your teams’ routine tasks 
  2. Highlighting which tasks are the most repetitive and time-consuming
  3. Crossing out any tasks that are not compatible with automation (either due to customization, their importance to your business, or other factors)

The remaining task list should show you where you have the highest potential for automation. 

Some potential tasks to consider for project management automation include:

  • The work intake process
  • Project assignment
  • Proofing and approvals
  • Project and task status updates
  • Task reminders

How do you automate marketing tasks?

As the popularity of automation grows, more and more software options are appearing on the market. The solutions you use will greatly depend on which tasks you’ve chosen to automate. 

For instance, if you want to automate lead qualifying and quote generation activities, you may be looking to adopt dynamic forms that can be added to your website. For upselling and cross-selling, you could be better off with an automated email campaign or even a chatbot on your website and social media platforms. If you’re more focused on automating internal tasks, project management software is essential. 

An area with a lot of potential is monitoring the performance of your marketing efforts. This includes website analytics, A/B campaign testing, and tracking performance metrics such as conversion rates and cost-per-clicks (CPC). Much of this can be done through cost-per-clicks (CPC). Much of this can be done through Google Analytics or a more robust platform such as Wicked Reports or a more robust platform such as Wicked Reports

Regardless of which activities you choose to automate, the process for how to automate tasks will generally be the same:

  1. Identify the marketing task to automate
  2. Identify and implement the appropriate software to handle the task
  3. Train your team on running and monitoring the software (remember, even computers make mistakes)
  4. Regularly review the value-added from the automation

If you don’t see a significant increase in value, you’ll need to determine if the task was poorly suited for automation, if the software you chose was the wrong one, or if there is another issue such as a lack of training and adoption.  

What is the value of automated task management?

Automated marketing can provide a great deal of value to your team and company in a variety of areas, including:

  • Optimizing your team’s productivity: By taking repetitive tasks off their plates, and automating workflows, your team has more time to put into important campaign work. 
  • Increasing your overall marketing ROI: Automated task management can improve consistency, boost your leads and sales generated, and lower your marketing costs. 
  • Measuring performance accurately and efficiently: By automating your analytics, you can keep track of your marketing performance in real-time without your team having to pour through databases and statistics. 
  • Improving campaign management and performance: By automating campaign controls and testing (such as A/B testing and PPC ads), the software can automatically reallocate budgets to your most successful campaigns and reduce the amount spent on poor performers. 
  • Improving the quality of your marketing data: Using automated marketing enables you to pull data from multiple sources and platforms into one database, so you always have a clear picture of what’s going on. Many tools can also highlight potential data quality issues, such as missing data fields or duplicate entries. 
  • Acquiring more valuable leads and customers: You can use tools such as lead qualification surveys to quickly funnel leads into buckets based on their potential value. This enables your team to spend more time and effort on the ones who have the most potential and not waste time on prospects who likely won’t pan out. 

Who should use project management automation 

According to Grand View Research, the global marketing automation software market should reach over $7.6 billion by 2025. This is why marketing teams should strongly consider using marketing automation if they want to keep up with the competition.

There are a wide range of marketing automation tools on the market today for every business and industry. Regardless of business size or automation expertise, you should be able to use marketing automation for at least some of your routines and repetitive tasks, so your team can focus more on driving sales. 

Sign up for a free trial today and learn how Wrike can help you with your marketing project management automation