We've recently been perfecting the way we house and organize documents so that our own sales team can quickly find PDFs and presentations when they're talking to people interested in Wrike. Most companies turn to a mix of knowledge bases, wikis, and content repositories, but nothing beats the simplicity of keeping everything in one place — like Wrike. Important information can be stored in multiple folders, and best of all, there's no need to learn a new Wiki markup language.   

Here's how we set up our knowledge base in Wrike. You can follow our tips to create your own Wrike wiki for better document and information storage

Wrike Wiki Basic Tenets

One idea, one task:  Each piece of knowledge (or best practice, resource, sales document, etc.) gets loaded into a single task and is included in the Knowledge Base parent folder. 

Backlog it: All of these tasks are set as active and backlogged (because there are no due dates associated with the knowledge), and then they're always easily available when someone needs to reference them. 

Give permission to add: Anyone with your permission can create a new task or edit an existing task description to add their thoughts and experiences to your Knowledge Base. Also, your permission level dictates whether you get to move files around or not. For very detailed, important folder structures (such as our sales information subfolder), we only have one admin managing it so that no files are accidentally deleted or moved around by regular users.

Suggestion: Identify one person in charge of managing the department's wiki folder so that information doesn't get messy or mislabeled

Organizing Your Wrike Wiki Knowledge Base

Decide on a folder structure: We organize the items into subfolders for each department and team. Since tasks can live in multiple folders simultaneously, we don't have to pick our own brains to remember where we placed a document. Information can be stored in the folder of every team that would find it helpful

Suggestion: Decide on your subfolders in advance and have your wiki admin regularly review the structure so it continues to make sense for your company.

Attach your files: You can attach files directly to Wrike tasks from your hard drive. If storage space is a concern, you can also attach documents to tasks from Box, Dropbox, or Google Drive without taking up space in your Wrike account.

Accessing the wiki: Your team can use Wrike's iOS and Android mobile apps to access the knowledge base anywhere and any time they need to. 

How to Create a Wiki Knowledge Base Using Wrike

Have you created your own wiki using Wrike? 

This system works great for us, and hopefully it will help your team stay organized as well!

Do you have any other Wrike wiki tips you'd care to share? Hit the comments to share your learning

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